Tender Results of Vattenfall Eldistribution Ab
Tender Results of Vattenfall Eldistribution Ab
Vattenfall Eldistribution AB Tender Result
Contract Date8 Dec 2021
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Denna entreprenad omfattar en ny tillkommande transformering 400/130 kV, ett nytt luftisolerat 130 kV ställverk, installation av ny krafttransformator och ny shuntreaktor samt anslutning av befintliga objekt till nytt ställverk.
Vattenfall Eldistribution AB Tender Result
Contract Date5 Nov 2021
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Dear Sir or Madam, You will find the complete RFQ/inquiry in the enclosed files on platform e-Avrop. Please read “General tender directions” for full understanding of the tender and process. The upcoming tender project involves following sourcing categories; A. Metal sheet (up to 315 kVA) B. Metal sheet larger (up to double 1250 kVA) C. Concrete sheet (up to double 1250 kVA) D. Concrete sheet walk-in station (up to double 1250 kVA) The start of the framework agreement: 2022-01-01 Best Regards Ermias Tekeste