Tender Results of University Of Ladakh
Tender Results of University Of Ladakh
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Contract Date18 Jan 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 170.1 K (USD 2 K)
CATEGORY: Beaker 100 ml , Beaker 1000 ml , Beaker 250 ml , Beaker
500 ml , beaker 500 ml , Beckmann , BOD Bottles 300ml ,
Burette 50 ml , Capillary tube , Cold Thermometer glass ,
Conical flask 100 ml , Conical flask 1000 ml , Conical Flask
100ml , Conical flask 250 ml , Conical Flask 25ml , Conical
flask 500 ml , Conical Flask 50ml , Cover slip , cuvettes ,
Digestion Tube, Kjeldahl 250ml , Dispensette1000ml ,
Dropper Bottle 250 ml , Filter paper Whatman , Funnel 75
MM , Funnels , Glass rod , Measuring cylinder 05 ml ,
Measuring cylinder 10 ml , Measuring cylinder 100 ml ,
Measuring cylinder 25 ml , Measuring cylinder 50 ml ,
Measuring cylinder25ml , Micropipette , Nessler tube50ml ,
Oil baths , Pestle Mortar , Petri Dish , Pipette 1ml , Pipette
0.5 ml , Pipette 10 ml , Pipette 2 ml , Pipette 5 ml , Pipette
pump , Pipette stand rubber , Pressure tubes 15 mL , Quartz
Cuvette , Round bottom flask 100 ml , Round bottom flask
250 ml , Rubber stopper , Sample BottleHDPE 500 ml ,
Sampling Bottle , Separating Funnel250ml , Separating
Funnel500 ml , Silica crucible , Silica Crucible , Slides ,
Spatula , Stalagmometer , Surgical Gloves , Test Tube Stand
, Test tube stand 10 mm , TLC sheet , VF with glass stopper
1000ml , VF with glass stopper 100ml , VF with glass
stopper 250ml , VF with glass stopper 500ml , VF with glass
stopper 50ml , Viscometer , Volumetric flask 25 ml ,
Volumetric flask 500 ml , Wash bottle , Watch glass 75 mm
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Chemical Products
Contract Date18 Jan 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 880.1 K (USD 10.5 K)
CATEGORY: Ethanol , Methanol , Acetic acid , Hydrochloric acid ,
Sulphuric acid , Acetone , Ethylenediamine , N,N-
Dimethylaniline , Polystyrene , Sodium borohydride , Silver
nitrate , Hydrazine , Sucrose , Triphenyl phosphine , Sodium
Bisulphite , Carbon tetrachloride , Hexane , Dimethyl
sulfoxide , N,N-Dimethylacetamide , Lithium chloride , 4-
aminoazobenzoic acid , p-toluidine ,
Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide CTAB ,
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA , Gallic acid , 1-10
phenanthroline , Ammonium Bisulfite , Copper thiocyanate ,
Silica gel for column chromatography , Ferrous ammonium
sulphate , Cellulose polysaccharide , Chitosan
polysaccharide , Propiolic acid , Paratoluenesulfonyl chloride
, Triethyl amine , Niobium ethoxide , Titanium Isopropoxide
, Sodium alginate , Sodium meta periodate , Isopropanol ,
Chloroform , Methyl acetate , Ethyl acetate , Benzene ,
Bromine pure , Acetyl chloride , Benzoyl chloride , Pyridine ,
Potassium thiocyanate , Acetyl acetone , Ammonium
persulfate , Aniline , Anthracene , Chloro benzene ,
Ninhydrin , Potassium iodide , Potassium iodate , Sulfanilic
acid , Barium chloride , Ammonium chloride , Erichrome
black tea , Magnesium chloride hexahydrate , Tin chloride ,
Sodium sulphate , Potassium nitrate , Potassium fluoride ,
Ammonium molybdate , Potassium dihydrogen sulphate ,
Zirconium oxychloride , Methyl orange , Phenolphthalein ,
Sodium acetate anhydride , Zirconyl SPADNS reagent ,
Potassium permanganate , Perchloric acid , Orcinol mono
hydrate , Ferric Chloride anhydrous , Polyvinyl pyrollidine ,
Mercaptoethanol , Coomassie blue G250 , Bovine Serum
albumin , DPPH , Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate ,
Orthophosphoric acid , Absolute ethanol , Acetone AR ,
Disodium salt of EDTA , Phenopthalein EBT , Methyl red AR ,
Methyl orange AR , Oxalic acid AR , Acetic acid glacial AR ,
Hexane LR , Methanol AR , Copper sulphate AR , Ethyl
acetate AR , Sulpheric acid AR , Potassium Dichromate AR ,
Nitric acid AR , Urea AR , Mohar salt AR , D Glucose AR , D
Fructose AR , Aluminum chloride AR , Paraffin wax AR ,
Nickel chloride AR , Ammonia buffer AR , Iron chloride AR ,
Boric acid AR , Sodium carbonate AR , Sodium Biocarbonate
AR , Glycerol AR , Chloroform AR , Calcium chloride LR ,
Sodium metal AR , Dmg AR , All reagent salt AR ,
Formaldehyde AR , Acetonitrile HPLC Grade , Hplc grade
water , Chitosan AR , Cellulose , Sodium azide , p-tolvene
sulfonyl chloride , Titanium isopropoxide , Di-ethyle ether ,
Murashige , 6-Benzyladenine , Kinetin solution , Tris base ,
Random Primers , Abscisic Acid Synthetic , PCR Tubes , PCR
Master mix , EGTA solution , Forgesy Dissecting Forceps ,
Boric Acid , Ferroin indicator solution , Potassium
Dichromate , Starch powder , Sodium hydroxide , Ferrous
Ammonium Sulphate , Potassium per magnet , Bromocresol
green indictor , Methyl red , Benzoic acid , Orth phosphoric
acid , Diphenylamin indictor , Sodium bicarbonate ,
Ammonium molybidate , Stannous chloride , ammonium
acetate , Potassium chloride , Activated charcoal ,
Monohydrate Magnus sulphate , Sodium thiosulfate ,
Sodium acetate , Barium carbonate , Ferric chloride , Silver
sulfate , Mercuric sulfate , Nutrient agar , Peptone
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Contract Date17 Jan 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 400 K (USD 4.7 K)
CATEGORY: Speaker , Amplifier , Wireless Handheld Mic , Wireless Collar
Mic , Wired Handheld Mic , Mixer , Portable PA System
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Contract Date26 Dec 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 61.9 K (USD 739.6877) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Kerosene oil fired bukhari complete with exhaust pipes
(MHA) (Q3)
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Contract Date23 Dec 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 721.5 K (USD 8.6 K)
CATEGORY: Chemicals and Reagents I , Chemicals and Reagents II , DNA
Extraction kits , Chemicals and Reagents III , Chemicals and
Reagents IV , Chemicals and Reagents V , Chemicals and
Reagents VI , Chemicals and Reagents VII , RNA Extraction
kits , Chemicals and Reagents VIII , Micropipette ,
Micropipette tips and others , Eppendorf vial for DNA , Wash
bottle and others , Petri Dish
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+4Electrical Goods and Equipments, Electrical and Electronics, Solar Installation and Products, Water Storage And Supply
Contract Date16 Dec 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 11.2 Million (USD 133.7 K)
CATEGORY: Dual Booster Pump 2000 Ltr Tank facilities , Preengineered
Toilet Insulated PUF , Pre Engineered Structure Hostel rooms
, Electrical Fittings , 2KVA Solar Invertor set 200 ah battery
2 no
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Contract Date30 Nov 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 590.2 K (USD 7 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Determination of magnetic field due to a circular coil at its
Centre and along its axis , Stefan constant by using black
body radiation , Resistance temperature device , Coefficient
of Thermal Conductivity by Searles method , Planck
constant , Newton Rings apparatus , BH Curve for a given
ferromagnetic material , E M BY HELICAL METHOD , EM BY
THOMSON METHOD , Determination of wavelength of laser
light , Determination of band gap of semiconductor diode ,
Study of adiabatic expansion by Clement and Desormes
method , Planks constant using photo vacuum tube , Digital
balance , Study of UJT , Semiconductor , Bread board
system , Multimeter , Carbon resistor , Tool kit box , Study
of probability concepts , Hall effect , Function Generator ,
AC and DC Current source , AC and DC Voltage source , Half
wave rectifier , Full wave rectifier , Measurement of
resistivity of the semiconductor by four probe method ,
Carry fosters bridge complete set , Study of flow of liquids
through capillary tube , Prism , Thermocouple , Stainless
steel pure water distiller , Portable water analysis test kit
Chemical , Portable water analysis test kit Physical ,
Hoffmans screw clip , Thermometer , Ferric chloride ,
Ferrous sulphate , Ammonia Solution , Silver Nitrate
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Contract Date20 Nov 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 299.7 K (USD 3.5 K)
CATEGORY: Laser Printer , led tv 55 Inches , Solar PCU Inverter ,
Portable Projector , Cable Accessories
University Of Ladakh - UOL Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract Date6 Nov 2023 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 3 Million (USD 35.9 K)
Electrical 12w Led With Connection,preengineered Toilet Insulated Puf,pre Engineered Structure Clas CATEGORY: Electrical 12W LED with connection , Preengineered Toilet
Insulated PUF , Pre Engineered Structure Class rooms , Pre
Engineered Structure Office , 2KVA Invertor set 200 ah
battery 2 no
51-60 of 87 active Tender Results