Tender Results of United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund
Tender Results of United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund
United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund - UNICEF Tender Result
Contract Date10 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The purpose of this consultancy service is to be part of the team that delivers the RDM project on a bi-annual basis (using end-of-December and June data). UNICEF PFP seeks to engage a service provider that can deliver the services outlined in this TOR through an LTA (Long Term Arrangement). The LTA shall be valid for an initial period of up to three (3) years, with a possible renewal of an additional two (2) years (total 3 + 2 years) subject to satisfactory performance and organizational needs. The LTA is a contractual framework in which UNICEF and the appointed service provider agree on a list of services, the conditions of their delivery, and their prices for a defined period.
United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund - UNICEF Tender Result
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contract Date6 Dec 2024
Contract AmountUSD 130 K
Acquisition of 2 High-End servers
United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund - UNICEF Tender Result
Contract Date5 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents
As part of the development curriculum for the UNICEF Fundraising Excellence Programme (Fx Programme), UNICEF is looking for an online self-assessment with subsequent discussion/learning sessions that focus on individual assessment reports outcomes regarding strengths and preferences in key aspects of leadership and management based on psychological theory and sound research and validity. PFP Fundraising Excellence Programme runs for one year for up to 30 global participants, year on year. The LTA shall be valid for an initial period of 1 year, with a potential extension of up to 2 years at the discretion of UNICEF and subject to satisfactory performance and UNICEF's needs. The LTA/s shall be a mutual agreement between UNICEF and the vendor to provide the required services at agreed fees over a period of time.
51-60 of 1677 active Tender Results