Tender Results of United Nations Development Programme
Tender Results of United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Tender Result
Contract Date11 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 109.4 K
The Government of Malawi launched the Sector Working Groups (SWGs) in 2008 as a means of implementing the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) and the Development Assistance Strategy (DAS). The SWGs are intendent to provide a forum for negotiation, policy dialogue, and agreement of plans and undertakings among Government, development Partners, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the Private Sector at the sectoral level. Further, a SWG provides an opportunity for policy, programming and funding harmonization across the sector through Technical Working Groups (TWGs) within the sector. Finally, they provide a mechanism to monitor the achievement of national and global Development Goals. Consistent with the objectives of the SWGs, the Joint Sector Strategic Plan is a product of close collaboration and significant consultations among stakeholders within the Gender, Children, Youth and Sports sector. The strategy therefore, represents a consensus among the various sector stakeholders on the broad interventions that must be pursued to address the issues affecting children, youth, women and sports in Malawi. It has a clear vision, mission and objectives to guide the design and implementation of programmes in the Gender, Children, Youth and Sports sector. The Gender, Children, Youth and Sports Sector Strategy was developed (2013) in order to operationalize the priorities under theme six of MGDSII: crosscutting issues, sub-theme one: Gender and priority area eight: Child Development, Youth Development and Empowerment. Child Development, Youth Development and Empowerment are also covered under theme two of social development. The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare (MoGCSW), and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as leaders of the Gender, Children, Youth and Sports Sector Working Group spearheaded the process of developing the Joint Sector Strategic Plan (JSSP). The aim of developing the JSSP was to institutionalize and coordinate effective and efficient sector wide planning, budgeting and implementation of development programs that will ensure that children, youth and women are socially, economically and politically empowered in a secure environment. The process of developing the JSSP was consultative at the national and district levels, and it included representatives of all stakeholders. The situation analysis of the sector established that, although tremendous strides had been made to ensure that children, youth and women are protected, empowered socially, economically and politically, there were still gaps and challenges that needed to be addressed. In view of these challenges and gaps, the JSSP was designed to contribute to the achievement of the main objective of the MGDS II to “continue reducing poverty through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development”. The goal of the JSSP was therefore to “protect children and empower youth and women economically, socially and politically while striving to achieve gender equality and equity”. This goal was to be achieved through the following outcomes: Outcome 1: Children, youth and women protected by the policy and legal environment. Outcome 2: Children, youth, athletes, women and vulnerable men equitably access, control and utilize social and economic services Outcome 3: Children, youth and women participate effectively in decision making processes. Outcome 4: Violence against children, youth and women reduced Outcome 5: Sector programs targeting children, youth, athletes, women and vulnerable men effectively coordinated. The JSSP was implemented by the Sector Working Group from 2013 to 2017 period, under the coordination of the Director of Planning in the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare. The coordinator was responsible for overseeing the operations of the following Technical Working Groups (TWGs): Gender; Children; Social Welfare; Integrated Community Development; and Youth and Sports. These TWGs were expected to deliver on the five outcomes. At the district level, a sub-committee of the District Executive Committee was to be instituted to facilitate implementation of the activities. A monitoring and assessment framework had been developed to track the progress achieved under this JSSP. Indicators on the outcomes and outputs of the sector programs were also developed. The implementation of the JSSP commenced in 2013 and as a five-year document, it came to end in 2017. However, since it came into effect, there has not been any evaluation (not even mid-year evaluation) done. Therefore, the sector under the leadership of MoGCDSW, through UNDP, seeks the service of an independent consultant to conduct review of the implementation of the JSSP and based on findings and lessons learnt, to develop a new JSSP. The overall purpose of the JSSP assessment and development is to assess the strategy’s progress against objectives and targets; availability and flow of resource requirements; the coordination mechanism and legal framework; developing a new strategy that would lead the sector to the achievement of its goals. This is to enable the Government of Malawi, the development partners and stakeholders identify gaps, challenges and draw the way forward. The assessment results will be used by the Sector Working Group and UN Gender Technical Working Group to refine and determine future planning that will contribute to the development of the successor JSSP for 2019-2023 through use Theory of Change instrument. The initial findings of the assessment are meant to feed into the next JSSP for period of 2019-2024, contribute to the national development planning process and inform the successor strategy. The review will also be an opportunity to align subsequent proposals to the Global Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) and African Union Agenda 2063.
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Tender Result
Contract Date10 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 105.2 K
UNDP Lebanon has advertised a Request for Proposal (reference number LBN/CO/RFP/58/19 and event ID No. 0000003743) for the Capacity Building for the Fishermen Cooperatives in Okeibe, Dbayeh, El Mina and Dora ports. In order to participate in the advertised bidding process, UNDP Lebanon hereby invites interested and qualified bidders to register to its E-Tendering platform at ATLAS in order to access the bidding document. Bidders who wish to submit an offer must be registered in the ATLAS-system. If already registered, sign in using your username and password. Use “Forgotten Password” link if you do not remember your password. Do not create a new profile. If you have never registered in the system before, you can register by visiting the link below and follow the instructions provided in the user guide for bidders in the document attached: https://etendering.partneragencies.org Username: event.guest Password: why2change Please note: It is strongly recommended to create your username with two parts, your first name and last name separated by “.”, similar to the one shown above. Once registered you will receive a valid password to the registered email address which you can use for signing in and changing your password. You can participate in the bid event only if you have registered in the system. It has been observed, that depending on the browser you use and the internet available internet capacity, the registration process may take some time. It is highly recommended to avail sufficient time for registration of your company in the ATLAS-system. It is the responsibility of the bidder to make sure bids are submitted within this deadline. UNDP will not accept any bid that is not submitted directly in the system. Submit your bid better a day prior or well before the closing time. Do not wait until last minute. If you face any issue submitting your bid at the last minute, UNDP may not be able to assist. Please note that submitting files in the format and structure requested in the ITB, requires planning and some time. With best regards UNDP Procurement Unit
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Tender Result
Contract Date3 Jul 2019
Contract AmountUSD 108 K
Hiring of a company specialized in modeling and implementing an integrated solution for project management through software for the Expansion Plan for Radiotherapy in the SUS and training.
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Tender Result
Contract Date3 Jun 2019
Contract AmountUSD 950.2 K
Technical Service Provider (national Ngo/firm) To Provide Institutional Based Vocational Training Skills, Community-based Agricultural Value Chain And Entrepreneurship Training In Eastern Equatori
2741-2750 of 2771 active Tender Results