Tender Results of Troms Kommune

Tender Results of Troms Kommune

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date3 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNOK 9.2 Million (USD 839.2 K)
Framework agreement for fresh bread, baker's products and confectionery

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date7 Sep 2022
Contract AmountNOK 1.4 Million (USD 137.8 K)
Tromsø and Karlsøy municipality would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for procurement of support measures for children and youths that are not covered by the municipality's own measures. Competitions will be held under this system to meet the need for the following measures: - Guidance - Respite care at farm - Residential measures - Environmental therapy - Expert elucidations Further details will be given in each competition, there can be deviations from the list.

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date25 Aug 2022
Contract AmountNOK 36 Million (USD 3.2 Million)
Tromsø Municipality and Karlsøy Municipality would like enter into a new framework agreement for carpentry and joinery services. The framework agreement is limited to separate assignments with a value limited upwards to NOK 300,000 excluding VAT. The estimated value including any options for a 4-year period: NOK 36 million, excluding VAT. The estimated value including any options for a 4-year period: NOK 43.5 million, excluding VAT.

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date30 Jun 2022
Contract AmountNOK 28 Million (USD 2.5 Million)
Tromsø municipality c/o the Section for Procurements invites tenderers to a tender contest for a framework agreement on carpentry and joinery services for Tromsø municipality, with the possibility for an option for Karlsøy municipality to enter the agreement. The objective of this agreement is to achieve benefits for both parties through mutual cooperation, effective communication and simplified routines. The framework agreement regulates the commercial relations between the parties. The estimated value for Tromsø municipality over 4 years is NOK 28 million in total. The maximum value over 4 years is NOK 35 million. Karlsøy has a further option to join the contract. If they join the agreement, the estimate over 4 years is NOK 3 million and the maximum value is NOK 4.5 million

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 Feb 2022
Contract AmountNOK 4.5 Million (USD 419.1 K)
Framework agreement for fruit and vegetables. The agreement does not include frozen vegetables and fruit or sous vide products.

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Jan 2022
Contract AmountNOK 4 Million (USD 372.5 K)
The road network in Tromsø municipality has a great need for comprehensive maintenance work. An growing maintenance backlog will require major investments in the future. Lack of maintenance will lead to a further increase in the maintenance backlog. Tromsø municipality therefor needs a good management tool in place so that good, efficient, and rational management can be undertaken with good priorities that result in financial gains. See a detailed description in the attached documentation.

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 Jan 2022
Contract AmountNOK 1.2 Million (USD 111.7 K)
Through a previous framework agreement on patient notification, and through a single procurement, Tromsø municipality has purchased and started to use 96 RoomMate. The municipality now wants to establish a new framework agreement for the purchase of the RoomMate system. The agreement also includes licences for the current and new RoomMate system.

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date3 Jan 2022
Contract AmountNOK 2.5 Million (USD 232.8 K)
Tromsø Municipality has started work with reviewing our significant processes and structures. We are, thus, needing assistance to review and revise security within ICT. In this procurement the municipality will, after the delivery's completion/completed assignment, have a thorough review of the risks in our network, computer room, and significant IT systems, as well as clear recommendations, priorities, and cost estimates of necessary measures.

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date28 Dec 2021
Contract AmountNOK 2.5 Million (USD 237 K)
1 wheeled loader, between 13.5 and 14.5 tonnes for Bydrift. A 5-year service agreement/8,000 hours

Troms Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date25 Nov 2021
Contract AmountNOK 15.6 Million (USD 1.4 Million)
Tromsø Havn KF invites tenderers to submit tenders for a framework agreement for waste management services. The waste management contract will apply for the contracting authority's buildings and properties in addition to handling waste from vessels that call at the port. The procurement consists of two sub-contracts. Sub-contract A - Estimated volume: NOK 14,000,000 excluding VAT. - Maximum volume: NOK 17,500,000 excluding VAT. Sub-contract B - Estimated volume: NOK 18,000,000 excluding VAT. - Maximum volume: NOK 22,500,000 excluding VAT.
51-60 of 62 active Tender Results