Switzerland Tender Results
Switzerland Tender Results
Ufficio Federale Delle Strade USTRA, Divisione Infrastruttura Stradale Est Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Engineering services – MP-190102 NEB N13 Galleria Mappo-Morettina TUSI - Direzione Locale dei Lavori (DLL) opere principali GC + Accompagnamento Ambientale dei Lavori (AAL)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.6 Million (USD 2.9 Million)
Einwohnergemeinde Ins Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Building construction work – OSZ Oberstufenzentrum Rötschmatte Ins
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.6 Million (USD 2.9 Million)
Kantonspolizei Aargau Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Police cars – Beschaffung von Fahrzeugen für die Kantonspolizei Aargau
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.7 Million (USD 3 Million)
Office Federal Des Routes OFROU Filiale De Winterthour Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Engineering services – MP-240024 N04-06/08 Instandsetzung BSA
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.7 Million (USD 3 Million)
BERNMOBIL Stadt Verkehrsbetriebe Bern SVB Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment – Antriebsstrang HU Strassenbahn Combino 2026-29
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.9 Million (USD 3.2 Million)
Armasuisse Property Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Demolition, site preparation and clearance work – Umsetzung GEP-Massnahmen AS Emmen
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.9 Million (USD 3.2 Million)
Tiefbauamt, Abt Projektieren Realisieren Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Construction work – Bubikon, Dürntner-/Wändhüselenstrasse, Kreiselneubau, Strasseninstandsetzung, Bauarbeiten Am/ta
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 2.9 Million (USD 3.2 Million)
Swissgrid AG Engineering & Construction Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services – Rahmenverträge für SÜL-Planungen
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 3.2 Million (USD 3.5 Million)
Vollenweider Baurealisation GmbH Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Building construction work – Kirchgemeindehaus Wipkingen BKP 211 Baumeisterarbeiten
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 3.3 Million (USD 3.7 Million)
Abwasserverband Altenrhein Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Concrete repair work – Belebtschlammbiologie, Betonsanierungsarbeiten
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 3.4 Million (USD 3.7 Million)
3841-3850 of 3880 active Tender Results