Tender Results of Surrey County Council
Tender Results of Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 299.2 K (USD 364.6 K)
SCC Building Belonging Programme-SCC have received funding from NHSE (NHS England) from within their 'The Framework for Integrated Care NHS Improvement Long Term Plan' which is committed to provide additional support for the most vulnerable children and young people with complex needs across multiple domains between the ages of 0 to 18. SCC will use the funding received to test and pilot a service model. The pilot in Elmbridge will bring together a multi-diverse team from a range of SCC, SABP and Third Sector pr...
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
SCC 6757 MHIF Preventative Mental Health Plays for Children-Surrey County Council invited the third sector to bid on Mental Health Investment Fund (MHIF) grants for local mental health services that met the requirements in line with the Priority 2 outcomes in the Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
SCC 6757 MHIF Creative and Wellbeing Hub-Surrey County Council invited the third sector to bid on Mental Health Investment Fund (MHIF) grants for local mental health services that met the requirements in line with the Priority 2 outcomes in the Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
SCC 6757 MHIF Merstham Community Resilience-Surrey County Council invited the third sector to bid on Mental Health Investment Fund (MHIF) grants for local mental health services that met the requirements in line with the Priority 2 outcomes in the Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
SCC 6757 MHIF Mind My Home & Safe Spaces-Surrey County Council invited the third sector to bid on Mental Health Investment Fund (MHIF) grants for local mental health services that met the requirements in line with the Priority 2 outcomes in the Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
SCC 6757 MHIF The Lucy Rayner Foundation - Counselling Service-Surrey County Council invited the third sector to bid on Mental Health Investment Fund (MHIF) grants for local mental health services that met the requirements in line with the Priority 2 outcomes in the Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 164 K (USD 199.8 K)
Provision of Cashless Parking-A service that allows customers/users to pay on street parking charges via their mobile phone instead of using a pay and display machine.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 170 K (USD 207.1 K)
Contract for the Provision of Quantity Surveyor Services for SCC Highways Schemes and Projects-Quantity Surveyor ('QS') / Commercial / Contract Services for schemes and projects
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 320 K (USD 389.9 K)
SCC GW RFQ Special Guardian Support Services-Surrey County Council are seeking the provision of support services for carers with Special Guardianship Orders. The aim of support services for Special Guardianship Orders (SGO's) is to enable special guardians to receive support and guidance to promote the stability and effectiveness of the placements.
Surrey County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 352.6 K (USD 429.7 K)
Highways Artificial Intelligence Solution-A road AI product that uses image recognition technology to identify the following: ? Road condition ? Footway condition (if visible from the driven survey or if walked/cycled separately) ? Road markings and a general indication of how faded they are. ? The location and type of signs
911-920 of 1121 active Tender Results