Tender Results of Suffolk County Council
Tender Results of Suffolk County Council
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 152 K (USD 186.7 K)
QLT848 0900 2022-08-31 Lowestoft to East Coast College, Suffolk Road, Great Yarmouth NR31 0ED (4 seated vehicle with Passenger assistant ) Individual Transport-Home to school transport: QLT848 0900 2022-08-31 Lowestoft to East Coast College, Suffolk Road, Great Yarmouth NR31 0ED (4 seated vehicle with Passenger assistant ) Individual Transport
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 160.9 K (USD 196.1 K)
2022-08-26 1400 TN115 - Wattisfield to SET Ixworth/ Rickinghall to Walsham le Willows Primary School - 8 seats (September 2022)-Home to school transport: 2022-08-26 1400 TN115 - Wattisfield to SET Ixworth/ Rickinghall to Walsham le Willows Primary School - 8 seats (September 2022)
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 161.7 K (USD 197 K)
2023-02-03 09:00 - QOC502 Newmarket to Castle School, Cambridge-Home to school transport: 2023-02-03 09:00 - QOC502 Newmarket to Castle School, Cambridge
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 170.9 K (USD 208.3 K)
QLT226 0900 2022-11-04 Halesworth Reydon to The Warren School Clarkes Lane, Lowestoft NR33 8HT (8 seated vehicle required with passenger assistant)-Home to school transport: QLT226 0900 2022-11-04 Halesworth Reydon to The Warren School Clarkes Lane, Lowestoft NR33 8HT (8 seated vehicle required with passenger assistant)
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 170.9 K (USD 208.3 K)
2022-11-09 09:00 - QOC402 Lowestoft to Acorn Park School, Banham, Norfolk-Home to school transport: 2022-11-09 09:00 - QOC402 Lowestoft to Acorn Park School, Banham, Norfolk
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 175 K (USD 222.2 K)
Children and Young People (CYP) Website Design and Promotion - AWARD-We are commissioning a digital website to enhance the Healthy Child Service, supporting children, young people (0-19, up to 25 with SEND), and their families across Suffolk. Co-produced with local families and health professionals, the website will promote the Healthy Child Programme services, be family-focused, and incorporate digital innovations to improve accessibility and self-service support. This includes the development, maintenance, and promotion of the website to ensure its long-term ef...
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 175 K (USD 213.3 K)
QBE914 13:00 2022-11-14 Sudbury to Riverwalk School, Bury St Edmunds-Home to school transport: QBE914 13:00 2022-11-14 Sudbury to Riverwalk School, Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 189.4 K (USD 230.9 K)
ADS001 0900 2022-10-17 Eye-Onward enterprises, Harleston (4-seated vehicle required-Adult Transport Services: ADS001 0900 2022-10-17 Eye-Onward enterprises, Harleston (4-seated vehicle required
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 191.5 K (USD 233.4 K)
QIP352 0900 2023-01-30 Woodbridge/Kesgrave to Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy, Defoe Rd, Ipswich IP1 6SG (8 seater vehicle with passenger assistant) Electric Tail Lift required-Home To School Transport: QIP352 0900 2023-01-30 Woodbridge/Kesgrave to Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy, Defoe Rd, Ipswich IP1 6SG (8 seater vehicle with passenger assistant) Electric Tail Lift required
Suffolk County Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 197.5 K (USD 240.7 K)
QIP413 0900 2023-01-05 Ditton Way, Ipswich, IP3 8GL to Thomas Wolsey School, Ipswich (6 seater vehicle with tail lift required)-Home to school transport: QIP413 0900 2023-01-05 Ditton Way, Ipswich, IP3 8GL to Thomas Wolsey School, Ipswich (6 seater vehicle with tail lift required)
1591-1600 of 1620 active Tender Results