Tender Results of Stirling Council
Tender Results of Stirling Council
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 74.6 K (USD 90.9 K)
Corporate Accommodation Plan – Consultancy Support for SOBC-Award against framework: CCS Estate Management Services (RM6168) (SC Ref:726043) This purchase is required because Stirling Council require a fit for purpose estate which responds to future ways of working, decarbonisation and corporate consolidation trends. A Strategic business case is required that sets out the strategic outcomes and preferred option (including its justification) for investment and reconfiguration of the Scottish office estate.
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 88 K (USD 107.2 K)
Roads Costing Management System-Award against framework: HealthTrust Europe’s (HTE’s) ICT Solutions Framework (SC Ref:722511) To procure a Roads Costing Management System to allow staff to track costs for Labour, Plant, Materials and Sub-Contractors in relation to roads works
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 91.9 K (USD 112.9 K)
Plean Country Park Public Convenience Replacement-Award against framework: Scottish Procurement Alliance Modular Buildings (SC Ref:720660) Replacement of Existing Toilet Block in Country Park. Existing toilet block is at the end of its projected design life.
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 160 K (USD 194.9 K)
Family Group Decision Making-(SC Ref:724898) Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) is a service that support families to create and take ownership of children’s care plans to improve engagement and progress towards identified outcomes. It aims to reduce the need for young people to be accommo
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 175 K (USD 213.2 K)
Cleaning Equipment for FM-(SC Ref:714987) This is a term contract and quantities used for the machines are estimates only, based on historical spend, actual quantities purchased may vary over the term of the contract. In addition, the details are provided in a broad general output based specification, suppliers should provide specific details for their proposed machine that show how they meet the outcome required
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 207.7 K (USD 253.1 K)
Contract Hire of Ride On Mowers-This procurement is concerned with the contract hire of Ride-on mower machinery to annually mow the Council’s public parks & open spaces, sports pitches and school estates. (SC Ref:727882)
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 207.7 K (USD 253.1 K)
Contract Hire of Ride On Mowers-This procurement is concerned with the contract hire of Ride-on mower machinery to annually mow the Council’s public parks & open spaces, sports pitches and school estates.
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 207.7 K (USD 253.1 K)
Contract Hire of Ride On Mowers-(SC Ref:727882) This procurement is concerned with the contract hire of Ride-on mower machinery to annually mow the Council’s public parks & open spaces, sports pitches and school estates.
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 240 K (USD 294.8 K)
Additional Winter Service Resource-The contract will assist with the clearing of snow in extreme adverse weather events to provide resilience to communities in the availability of the Council’s carriageway network. It will provide an additional resource to Stirling Council to help maintain a clear safe network for the public to travel on, reducing the amount of time main routes are closed/impassable.
Stirling Council Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 900 K (USD 1 Million)
Electrical Repairs and Maintenance Framework-(SC Ref:727676) This procurement is concerned with the purchase of suitably qualified electrical contractors with relevant proven experience to be awarded a place on an Electrical Term Reactive and Planned Maintenance Framework. These works are predominantly for public buildings including schools, council offices, libraries, community centres, public toilets and sporting pavilions.
191-200 of 213 active Tender Results