Tender Results of Statens Vegvesen
Tender Results of Statens Vegvesen
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date5 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNOK 4.7 Billion (USD 436.5 Million)
The contract work is for engineering design services for and the construction of a new E18 with 2x3 lanes on the stretch Fornebukrysset - Strand, including approx. 450 m of the Høvik Tunnel. In addition there is a crossing lane on the stretch between Fornebukrysset and Strand. The project also includes part of a new cross connection between Fornebu and Gjønnes. This concerns Vestre Lenke from Arenakrysset at Fornebu to the contract border in the Gjønnes Tunnel just to the north of the Høvik Tunnel. The stretch Fornebukrysset – Strand also includes a new main cycle lane. In addition there are accompanying changes to the adjoining local road system with foot and cycle paths. See the tender documentation for further details on the procurement.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date24 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 184 Million (USD 16.7 Million)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration [Statens vegvesen] HR and development would like offers for the delivery of staff/temporary staff. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is in need of temporary staffing in a number of different disciplines. Among other things, this applies for sick leave, holidays, and long-term leave of absences. In some cases, this may also apply in connection with extraordinary work assignments or workloads. The need may vary throughout the year.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 220 Million (USD 20 Million)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a contract for the provision of services for the development of the ServiceNow platform. The objective of the contract is to establish a cooperation with a tenderer that will support the contracting authority in the ServiceNow field with the correct competence and agreed capacity. Through this contract, the contracting authority will have access to competence and flexible capacity that will assist in a general development perspective for the described field in the contracting authority's entire organisation.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 385 Million (USD 35.1 Million)
The objective of the Agreement is to establish a cooperation with one tenderer that shall provide the contracting authority assistance with the appropriate competence and agreed capacity for RPA and in-house developed solutions (Java). Through this Agreement, the Contracting Authority shall have access to competence and flexible capacity that shall assist in a holistic life cycle perspective for the described fields in the Contracting Authority's entire organisation.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date15 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 23.3 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
Contract 54-2023-04 Øst-Finnmark, with a deadline for receipt of tenders of 24 March, includes asphalt work on the National and European road network in Eastern Finnmark. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the stretches in the contract before the start-up.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date15 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 60.7 Million (USD 5.5 Million)
Kontrakt 18-2023-01 Helgeland and Salten, with a deadline of 24 March, concerns asphalt work in the Helgeland and Salten area in Nordland County. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the stretches in the contract before the start-up.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date11 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 3.8 Million (USD 355.3 K)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (the contracting authority) would like tenders for a queue management system for visitors who must or who would like to attend a service place.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date10 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 19.9 Million (USD 1.8 Million)
Contract 54-2023-01 Southern and Central Troms, with a deadline of 24 March, concerns asphalt work in Southern and Central Troms. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the stretches in the contract before the start-up.
Statens Vegvesen Tender Result
Contract Date8 May 2023
Contract AmountNOK 14 Million (USD 1.2 Million)
Contest for the delivery of annual service, maintenance, calibration, as well as repair of technical equipment in inspection halls and exterior inspection stations. The contest is divided into three geographical areas. The aim of the procurement is to ensure that the equipment is calibrated and maintained in accordance with the current requirements, and to ensure that the operation of the units is maintained with the minimum amount of stoppages due to technical errors in equipment.
51-60 of 134 active Tender Results