Tender Results of Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal

Tender Results of Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date22 Nov 2012
Contract AmountEUR 474.8 K (USD 505.3 K)
Suministro mediante adquisición de materiales fungibles para el funcionamiento de desinfectadoras/lavadoras de endoscopios para la Unidad de Endoscopias del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date24 Aug 2012
Contract AmountEUR 463.1 K (USD 492.8 K)
Provision through the acquisition of reactants and expendable microbiology material for the Microbiology Service of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date22 Aug 2012
Contract AmountEUR 1.2 Million (USD 1.2 Million)
Supply by acquisition of knee prosthesis for the Traumatology Service of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 721.2 K (USD 767.5 K)
Acquisition of vertebral fixations for neurosurgery and trauma services at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date11 Jan 2012
Contract AmountEUR 45.7 K (USD 48.7 K)
Supply by acquisition of transducers, infusion/irrigation systems, alargadera, urological connector and spirological flow sensor for the General Warehouse of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date6 Jan 2012
Contract AmountEUR 566.4 K (USD 602.8 K)
Provision by lease with option to purchase of sixteen anesthesia systems for the Quirúrgicos University Hospital Ramón y Cajal.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date6 Jan 2012
Contract AmountNA 
Supply by acquisition of craniumoxylofacial fixations: plates, screws and meshes for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date26 Aug 2011
Contract AmountEUR 226.6 K (USD 241.1 K)
Suministro de catéteres de bioseguridad: catéteres intravenosos cortos con dispositivo de seguridad para el almacén general del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Jun 2011
Contract AmountEUR 420.1 K (USD 447.1 K)
Purchase of drugs- means of contrast for the pharmacy service of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.

Servicio Madrile O De La Salud, Hospital Universitario Ram N Y Cajal Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date12 Jan 2011
Contract AmountEUR 854.3 K (USD 909.2 K)
Leasing with option to purchase a system of hemodynamy and digital electrophysiology for the Hemodynamic Adult Service of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital.
161-170 of 170 active Tender Results