Tender Results of Scottish Government
Tender Results of Scottish Government
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
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Award of Provision of 1 x Senior Business Analyst-Scottish Government are looking for the provision of 1 x Senior Business Analyst
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of 1 x DELIVERY INTEGRATION MANAGER-Scottish Government are looking for 1 x DELIVERY INTEGRATION MANAGER Interim
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of Provision of 1x Performance Analyst Lead (SPPD)-The Scottish Government is looking for 1 x Performance Analyst Lead. The Performance Analyst Lead will work on all services designed and delivered by the programme and Social Security Scotland Agency, collaborating with colleagues across these areas to understand the performance of both products and their related services.
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of 1 x Solution Architect (5)-Scottish Government are looking for Provision of 1 x Solution Architect Interim (this is one of five positions that are being advertised separately) Please be advised submission for each role will needed to be actioned independently and can no longer be advertised for multiple positions under same advertisement)
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of Travel and Subsistence Expenses Administrator-•Check claims selected by the system in accordance with the travel subsistence rules, and address any errors•Answer queries and provide travel and subsistence advice, including providing rates for staff members travelling abroad on official business.•Data Input of claims as required.•Administration and maintenance of the Travel and Subsistence Charge Card including use of Royal Bank of Scotland’s Smart Data On-Line (SDOL) facility.•General administrative support in the section as required.
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of Purchase of Hybrid Poly Cable 600m (MS-P-0367)-The Scottish Ministers invites bids for the purchase of a 600m umbilical cablefor TV sledge and cable assembly.The cable is to replace damaged cables required for underwater survey of the seabed. We use these in conjunction with our monitoring partners. The use of hybrid poly cables allows us to use state of the art fibre optic underwater television equipment to provide HD footage in real time on both our research vessels. Our current cameras record HD footage within the underwater water housi...
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of Purchase of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (MS-P-0375)-The Scottish Ministers invites bids for the purchase of an acoustic profiling current meter.The Marine Directorate, a directorate of the Scottish Government, has a requirement for the provision of an acoustic profiling current meter for the accurate measurement of currents for environmental monitoring to quantify and understand trends and variability in the water circulation on Scottish continental shelf waters (depths up to 200 m), as a result of natural variability and human activities, includ...
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of SPPD Provision of 1x User Researcher-Provision of 1x User Researcher
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of-The Poverty and Inequality Commission is an advisory non-departmental public body that has statutory functions to provide advice and scrutiny to Scottish Ministers on matters related to poverty and inequality.The Commission wants to procure economic modelling research to better understand how policy levers affect child poverty outcomes for Scotland overall, and for specific sub-groups at greater risk of poverty.This research will build on work previously commissioned by the Commission, and that ...
Scottish Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Award of Provision of 1 x Delivery Train Lead-1 x Delivery Train Lead
1171-1180 of 1535 active Tender Results