Tender Results of Scotrail Trains Limited
Tender Results of Scotrail Trains Limited
Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 670.5 K (USD 817.2 K)
The Supply of Mains Metered Gas-The supply of mains metered gas with a forecasted annual consumption of 8GWH for a 12-month period commencing 1st April 2023.
Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 670.5 K (USD 817.2 K)
The Supply of Mains Metered Gas-ScotRail Trains Limited has a requirement for the supply of Mains Metered Gas to its various sites throughout Scotland for a minimum 6-month period commencing 1st April 2023. The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: This is a direct material supply contract where no sub-contractors will be used. The Contracting Authority d...
Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 670.5 K (USD 817.2 K)
The Supply of Mains Metered Gas-The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: This is a direct material supply contract where no sub-contractors will be used. The Contracting Authority does not intend to include any community benefit requirements in this contract for the following reason: Community benefits clauses will not apply to this contract. The cont...
Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 6.8 Million (USD 8.3 Million)
The Supply of Electricity to Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Metered Sites-The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: This is a direct material supply contract where no sub-contractors will be used. The Contracting Authority does not intend to include any community benefit requirements in this contract for the following reason: Community benefits clauses will not apply to this contract. The cont...
Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 6.8 Million (USD 8.3 Million)
The Supply of Electricity to Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Metered Sites-ScotRail Trains Limited has a requirement for the supply of electricity to half hourly and non-half hourly metered sites throughout Scotland for a minimum 6-month period commencing 1st April 2023. The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: This is a direct material supply contract where no sub-contractors will be used. The C...
Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 9.1 Million (USD 11.1 Million)
The Supply of Electricity to Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Metered Sites-The supply of electricity to half hourly metered sites with a forecasted annual consumption of 22GWH for a 12-month period commencing 1st April 2023.
31-40 of 36 active Tender Results