Tender Results of Scotrail Trains Limited

Tender Results of Scotrail Trains Limited

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date26 Feb 2025
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
ScotRail Payroll and Finance Services-This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Transport UK t/a Solvd) supplies outsourced business services including finance, payroll and customer experience. A 24 month extension is being awarded to Solvd for the finance and payroll services. ScotRail, having carried out a procurement process, are in the process of implementing a new rostering, time and attendance system which support...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date17 Feb 2025
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Provision of the ScotRail Website-(SC Ref:789532) This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Altcom Ltd) supplies hosting, maintenance and support services for the ScotRail.co.uk website. A 36-month extension is being awarded to Altcom for this same scope of services. ScotRail are currently conducting a tender process for new Retail Systems including a Centralised Web Ticket Issuing System (WebTIS), App and Ticket ...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date17 Feb 2025
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Provision of the ScotRail Website-This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Altcom Ltd) supplies hosting, maintenance and support services for the ScotRail.co.uk website. A 36-month extension is being awarded to Altcom for this same scope of services. ScotRail are currently conducting a tender process for new Retail Systems including a Centralised Web Ticket Issuing System (WebTIS), App and Ticket Vending Machines. The...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date29 Jan 2025
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
ScotRail Payroll and Finance Services-This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Transport UK t/a Solvd) supplies outsourced business services including finance, payroll and customer experience. A 24 month extension is being awarded to Solvd for the finance and payroll services. ScotRail, having carried out a procurement process, are in the process of implementing a new rostering, time and attendance system which supports t...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date29 Jan 2025
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
ScotRail Payroll and Finance Services-(SC Ref:788733) This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Transport UK t/a Solvd) supplies outsourced business services including finance, payroll and customer experience. A 24 month extension is being awarded to Solvd for the finance and payroll services. ScotRail, having carried out a procurement process, are in the process of implementing a new rostering, time and attendance syst...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date20 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Train Services Agreement relating to the maintenance of Class 385 Train Units-For the avoidance of doubt this contract is going to be awarded to Hitachi Rail Limited (05598549) which is noted within PCS as Hitachi Rail Europe. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=786496. (SC Ref:786496) This notice concerns the award of a Train Services Agreement (TSA) by Abellio ScotRail Limited (Abellio) to H...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date20 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Train Services Agreement relating to the maintenance of Class 385 Train Units-This notice concerns the award of a Train Services Agreement (TSA) by Abellio ScotRail Limited (Abellio) to Hitachi Rail (Hitachi) for both light and heavy maintenance services for 234 Class 385 Vehicles (Trains) operated by Abellio. Abellio was not required to (and did not) undertake a regulated procurement in relation to the award of the TSA. The TSA commenced on 3 March 2015, and was transferred to ScotRail Trains Limited (ScotRail) pursuant to a transfer scheme made by the Scottish Ministers...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date19 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Supply and Delivery of De-Icing Salt-Supply and delivery of de-icing salt to ScotRail locations. Delivery is to be delivered / hand balled to site specific requirements. This is a single supplier framework, as specific amounts of salt may vary every year. Framework awarded as per notice.

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date18 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Supply and Delivery of De-Icing Salt-Because of the time sensitivity of this procurement (in order to order de-icing salt before the upcoming winter), the PQQ and ITN are being issued at the same time. ScotRail will score the highest scoring compliant suppliers ITN. ScotRail may not consider ITN submission from suppliers with non-compliant or the lowest scoring PQQ submissions. (SC Ref:786219) Supply and delivery of de-icing salt to ScotRail locations. Delivery is to be delivered / hand balled to site specific requirements. Th...

Scotrail Trains Limited Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date18 Dec 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Supply and Delivery of De-Icing Salt-Supply and delivery of de-icing salt to ScotRail locations. Delivery is to be delivered / hand balled to site specific requirements. This is a single supplier framework, as specific amounts of salt may vary every year. Framework awarded as per notice. Because of the time sensitivity of this procurement (in order to order de-icing salt before the upcoming winter), the PQQ and ITN are being issued at the same time. ScotRail will score the highest scoring compliant suppliers ITN. ScotRail may no...
1-10 of 36 active Tender Results