Tender Results of Regional Center For Blood Donation And Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza In Wroclaw

Tender Results of Regional Center For Blood Donation And Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza In Wroclaw

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date31 Mar 2023
Contract AmountPLN 159.5 K (USD 37 K)
Delivery of 5,000 sets of triple empty containers with a mother container of 450 to 600 ml and two transfer containers in a period of 6 months

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date17 Mar 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
"Dostawa 3 separators, together with a successful delivery of 24 months of 900 units, a set of unity and needed equipment to download the osocza"

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Mar 2023
Contract AmountPLN 12.5 Million (USD 2.9 Million)
The facility for the explosion materials for printing in 12 months for the Regional Centre of Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa im Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Dorobisz in Wrocław

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date17 Jan 2023
Contract AmountPLN 19.9 Million (USD 4.6 Million)
Public services for medical devices – technical reviews, liability, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, repairs, and repairs

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Jan 2023
Contract AmountPLN 20 Million (USD 4.6 Million)
"BANK KRWI" is an official website in the Rckik in Wrocław during 12 months of 12 months

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date3 Jan 2023
Contract AmountPLN 12.6 Million (USD 2.9 Million)
„Dostawa jednorazowych zestawów do pobierania koncentratu krwinek płytkowych oraz koncentratu krwinek czerwonych wraz z dzierżawą 10 separatorów komórkowych dla Regionalnego Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa im. prof. dr hab. Tadeusza Dorobisza we Wrocławiu”

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date29 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 35.5 Million (USD 8.2 Million)
"Dostawa automatic wagomieszarek do poboru blood full dla Regional Centre Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa im Prof. dr hab"

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 165 K (USD 38.3 K)
Dostawa zgrzewarek do sterylnego łączenia drenów wraz z akcesoriami do wykonania 20 000 zgrzewów dla Regionalnego Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa im. prof. dr hab. Tadeusza Dorobisza we Wrocławiu

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountPLN 8.3 Million (USD 1.9 Million)
A new equipment for the RCKIK in Wrocław consists of four tasks: ....

Regional Center for Blood Donation and Blood Medicine Prof Dr Hab Tadeusza Dorobisza in Wroclaw Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Nov 2022
Contract AmountPLN 894.6 K (USD 207.7 K)
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa w okresie 36 miesięcy odczynników, materiału kontrolnego i materiałów zużywalnych niezbędnych do wykonania 370 000 badań morfologii krwi (w tym 140 000 oznaczeń CBC i 230 000 oznaczeń 5-DIFF) wraz z dzierżawą sześciu analizatorów hematologicznych podłączonych do systemu komputerowego Bank Krwi dla Regionalnego Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa we Wrocławiu oraz Terenowych Oddziałów (TO) w Głogowie, Legnicy i Lubinie.
11-20 of 43 active Tender Results