Tender Results of Procurement For Housing

Tender Results of Procurement For Housing

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date5 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 420 Million (USD 511.8 Million)
Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services-The intention of this lot is to provide PfH members with end-to-end management of their reactive maintenance repairs and works associated with ensuring void properties are at the appropriate standard to relet. It is anticipated that the services provided will either be a fully out-sourced solution to deliver all works for PfH members in relation to their reactive maintenance and void property works or as a top up service to existing in house teams. It will be at the discretion of ...

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 180 Million (USD 219.3 Million)
Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 500 Million (USD 609.3 Million)
PfH Heating Solutions Framework-Repair, installation and servicing and maintenance of domestic heating solutions. The framework lot is divided into 13 geographical regions.

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 150 Million (USD 182.8 Million)
PfH Heating Solutions Framework-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 150 Million (USD 182.8 Million)
PfH Heating Solutions Framework-This Framework may be used by any contracting authority listed in or referred to in the FTS Notice. This includes: All current members of PfH at the time of the FTS notice for this procurement; Any registered provider of social housing (or Welsh registered social landlord ,or Scottish registered social registered social landlord) that becomes a member of PfH during the period of the Framework Agreement; Any public authority (as defined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for public auth...

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 420 Million (USD 511.8 Million)
Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK' social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 500 Million (USD 609.3 Million)
PfH Heating Solutions Framework-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK' social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

bidaward stage
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date24 Jul 2023
Contract AmountGBP 25 Million (USD 30.4 Million)
PfH Temporary Accommodation and Decant Services-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK' social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Jul 2023
Contract AmountGBP 80 Million (USD 97.4 Million)
Technologies for Independent Living: Telecare Telehealth Framework-Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK' social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consoli

Procurement for Housing Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Contract Date15 Jun 2023
Contract AmountNA 
Material Supply and Associated Services-Supply and delivery of plumbing, heating and gas products and associated services for planned investment, reactive maintenance and retrofit works. Including, but not limited to: - all associated heating spares - products for traditional and low carbon heating systems - plumbing systems - gas spares - brassware - showering - consumables - associated accessories - services pertaining to van stock management solutions and; - delivery an...
51-60 of 126 active Tender Results