Tender Results of Ports And Transport Department
Tender Results of Ports And Transport Department
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Envelop For Electrically Operated Plant-41019,envelop For Electric Operated Cold Plant-41166,envelo
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 9.1 Million (USD 110.4 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
2576 3340 3103,2651 3560 3101,2668 3560 3101,2668 3560 3102,2691 2620 3103,2691 2630 3104,2786 0399 CATEGORY: 2576 3340 3103 , 2651 3560 3101 , 2668 3560 3101 , 2668
3560 3102 , 2691 2620 3103 , 2691 2630 3104 , 2786 0399
9944 , 2576 3340 3101 , F 0232810 or F 0P02610 , F
0245410 , ID 200455 , ID 200466 , ID 202359 , 19 819 810
, 2505 2625 3118 , 2507 2620 3111 , 2507 2671 3105 ,
2573 3560 3111 , 2612 3560 3102 , 2641 3340 3103 , 2691
2620 0142 , 2691 2620 0143 , 2691 2620 3106 , 2691 2620
3111 , 2691 2620 3120 , 2691 2625 3105 , 2691 2630 3108
, 2691 2635 3103 , 2733 3560 3103 , 2846 3340 3101 ,
2846 3340 3102 , 2855 2620 3101 , 2855 2630 3101 , 5812
2560 0101 , 5817 3560 1602 , F 0P02710 , F3F 081 00 , F3F
082 00 , F3F 083 00 , P 1301702 or Mico-1900905376 , P
1302802 or Mico- 9121030900 , F 0246010 , F3F 02100 , F
0P06110 , F 0P05810 , ID 200359 , ID 200457 , ID 205080 ,
ID 206292 , ID 206293 , ID 312182 , ID 312614 , ID 320559
, ID 338285 or ID 304644 , IF 000146 , IF 000147 , IF
000501 , IF 000502
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 17.6 Million (USD 212.6 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
611-620 of 676 active Tender Results