Tender Results of Ports And Transport Department
Tender Results of Ports And Transport Department
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 35.9 K (USD 432.59033)
5812 2540 8201,2846 3340 3101,2846 3340 3102,2573 2680 5101,2724 2560 0201,2067 4112 0116,5506 4130 CATEGORY: 5812 2540 8201 , 2846 3340 3101 , 2846 3340 3102 , 2573
2680 5101 , 2724 2560 0201 , 2067 4112 0116 , 5506 4130
0105 , IA 208541 , IM 300422 , ID 320554 , P45 004 51 ,
P45 009 51 , B87 634 01
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 38 K (USD 458.27386)
Npnr51electronichorn24v,npn2r51reflectiveassywithflatlenseparking,npn4r51fuseblade15amp,npn43r51fus CATEGORY: npnr51electronichorn24v ,
npn2r51reflectiveassywithflatlenseparking ,
npn4r51fuseblade15amp , npn43r51fuseblade30amp ,
npn4r51fuseblade5amp , f2234600flashdongaltipeswitch ,
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 47.2 K (USD 567.8049)
69204,69205,69211,69216,69217,69220,69223,69232,69423,69825,69233,63006,69497 CATEGORY: 69204 , 69205 , 69211 , 69216 , 69217 , 69220 , 69223 ,
69232 , 69423 , 69825 , 69233 , 63006 , 69497
511-520 of 676 active Tender Results