Tender Results of Pawan Hans Limited
Tender Results of Pawan Hans Limited
Pawan Hans Limited - PHL Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Television Tv CATEGORY: Television TV (Q2)
Contract Date14 Sep 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 12.9 K (USD 155.20905)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Pawan Hans Limited - PHL Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up To And Including 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 (part 1) CATEGORY: XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV
as per IS 7098 (Part 1) (Q2)
Contract Date22 Aug 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 116.3 K (USD 1.3 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Pawan Hans Limited - PHL Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Title1,title2,title3,title4,title5,title6,title7,title8,title9,title10,title11,title12,title13 CATEGORY: Title1 , Title2 , Title3 , Title4 , Title5 , Title6 , Title7 , Title8 ,
Title9 , Title10 , Title11 , Title12 , Title13
Contract Date3 Jul 2023
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 21.2 K (USD 253.77437)
41-50 of 81 active Tender Results