Tender Results of Office For National Statistics
Tender Results of Office For National Statistics
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date2 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 39.3 K (USD 49.9 K)
Provision of Research into ONS Reputation-ONS requires a research organisation to review the existing Public Omnibus Survey and develop a refreshed version. The research organisation must also be able to carry out the survey itself and must have the capability to recruit a nationally representative sample of the UK public, administer and gather the data from the survey and draw up an analysis report.
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date18 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 49.8 K (USD 62.7 K)
OSR Statistics in Decision Making-The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) wishes to commission a research project to better understand the role official statistics play in decision making. This forms part of our wider research programme, which explores what it means for statistics to serve the public good. Understanding the role official statistics play in decision making will allow us to inform regulatory practices across the statistical system and support statistics producers in serving the public good.
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 118.1 K (USD 149.3 K)
Public sector productivity survey tool (PEDRO)-Hosting, maintenance and support, and modification of the existing OTUS tool on most appropriate platform.
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date20 Nov 2023
Contract AmountGBP 90 K (USD 111.7 K)
Provision of Response Chasing for the Management and Expectations Survey - AWARD-The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has developed the Management and Expectations Survey (MES) to measure management practices and businesses' outlook on future economic performance, to better understand the drivers of business performance in Great Britain. Studies have found a strong association between management practices and productivity - a source of economic and welfare growth for the economy. Data from the survey will help inform ONS and Government understanding of the drivers o...
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date26 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 28 Million (USD 35.1 Million)
Contract for the Provision of Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) - AWARD-Re-tender of the Contract for the Provision of Crime Survey for England & Wales (CSEW)
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 17.5 K (USD 21.3 K)
Cyber Security Assessment (GovAssure)-Contract deliverables are to review and verify the Contracting Authority's self-assessment submission and submit a report to Government Security Group (GSG) and the Contracting Authority.
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date2 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 1.2 Million (USD 1.5 Million)
Provision of Mobility Data-Provision of Data to aid understanding of population domestic travel by travel purposes and transport modes at fine geographical scale (MSOA and LSOA) at high frequent temporal dimension --- --- and to understanding international migration (foreign travellers travel) and travel and tourism (UK Population Travel)
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 45 K (USD 54.5 K)
Provision of Improving Price Level Data for Different Household Groups Research-The Contracting Authority are looking for a Supplier are to deliver research which examines "What does the average basket of goods look like for different households?". This will specifically focus on how we can produce better price indices by understanding and incorporating different baskets of items for different household. This refers to the type of items within these baskets, for example budget pasta compared to premium pasta.
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 6 Million (USD 7.6 Million)
Provision of Business Support-The Integrated Data Programme (IDP) requires a partner organisation to provide access to a flexible resource to deliver at pace at the outset. Contract for providing the programme with Business Support Services in key areas , drawing on programme delivery insight and support to deliver priority outcomes.
Office For National Statistics Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountGBP 6 Million (USD 7.7 Million)
Provision of Complex & Transformational Support for IDP-Integrated Data Programme (IDP) is a multi-million-pound project to deliver new ?technology and a service that will significantly transform how Government and other?users, such as Academia, access and use data via a secure platform. It is envisaged that this will lead to improved decision making which will have a real-world positive impact on citizens and society in general and support the Government's ambition of transforming for a digital future that serves all the UK in the twenty-fir...
61-70 of 148 active Tender Results