Tender Results of Ofcom
Tender Results of Ofcom
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date18 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 413.5 K (USD 503.9 K)
Development, Delivery and Support of Electronic Auction System (EAS)-As a minimum, the service must deliver the following: •Develop, internally test, and provide operational support for the auction software system •Develop and provide access to a training version of the auction software system for prospective bidders •Assure compliance of the software against the Auction Regulations
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date17 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 41.8 K (USD 50.7 K)
DRCF Digital Assets Research-The Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) brings together four UK regulators tasked with regulating digital services to collectively drive greater regulatory cooperation and deliver coherent approaches to digital regulation. As part of the 23/24 DRCF workplan, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are carrying out joint research into the benefits and harms posed by digital assets.
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date16 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 413.5 K (USD 503.9 K)
Development, Delivery and Support of Electronic Auction System (EAS)-This ITT sets out our requirements for the development, delivery and support in the operation of an online auction software system, “Electronic Auction System” (EAS), for our upcoming award of the 26 GHz and 40 GHz bands. These requirements will also cover the possibility of an additional clock auction that will follow the 26 GHz/40 GHz auction, which would be triggered at Ofcom’s sole discretion. As a minimum, the service must deliver the following: •Develop, internally test, and pro...
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date11 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 27 K (USD 33.5 K)
Access to Bloomberg terminal subscriptions-Access to Bloomberg terminal within Ofcom for 2024
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 290 K (USD 353.4 K)
Media literacy training for professionals who work with children-Lot 1 - Education and youth professionals We require organisations to demonstrate their experience of delivering effective training for the professionals they aim to work with. It is likely that your organisation has already developed a media literacy training programme, although it may require some adaptation to meet the purpose of this tender. Organisations may tender for more than one of the lots if they have relevant experience with the targeted professionals. A minimum of 500...
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date9 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 141.6 K (USD 172.5 K)
Media literacy training for professionals who work with children-We have identified a gap in Continuing Professional Development related to media literacy for professionals supporting children and young people. This ITT sets out our requirements for media literacy training for professionals who work with children. Through this process we will commission the delivery of two lots of training. We require the development of two training courses for the following professions: •Lot 1: Education and youth professionals •Lot 2: Children’s health, social wo...
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Oct 2023
Contract AmountGBP 81.1 K (USD 100.8 K)
Subscriptions to Cullen International Databases-Subscription to Cullen databases
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date29 Sep 2023
Contract AmountGBP 176.5 K (USD 215.1 K)
User Acceptance and Accuracy Testing for Electronic Clock Auction System-As a minimum, the service must deliver the following: •User acceptance and functional testing on auctioneer, bidder, and monitor interfaces in line with the detailed software spec •Testing on the accuracy of implementation on the proposed auction rules, initially in line with published illustrative auction procedures, and ultimately to reflect formal Auction Regulations.
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountGBP 176.5 K (USD 215.1 K)
User Acceptance and Accuracy Testing for Electronic Clock Auction System-Ofcom has a requirement for testing of an electronic auction system (EAS) designed to run an auction for the award licences of mmWave spectrum in the UK in the 26 GHz and 40 GHz bands. The specific service required is user acceptance testing of the user interfaces and establishing that the EAS accurately implements the auction rules. For simplicity, we refer to this testing as “EAS testing”. These requirements will also cover the possibility of an additional clock auction that will follow the 26...
OFCOM Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date26 Sep 2023
Contract AmountGBP 240.7 K (USD 293.3 K)
BBC Performance Tracker-Since 2017, we have conducted an annual quantitative tracker which looks at the delivery and importance, both personal and societal, of the four public purposes, among 4000 adults (aged 16+) split 50% face-to-face and 50% online. There are also boosts in the nations and among some sub-groups. The tracker also has a children's component with 4000 interviews conducted among parents of 3 to 16 year olds, also interviewing the child concerned if they were aged 8 to 16. The data collected...
141-150 of 276 active Tender Results