Tender Results of Ntpc Sail Power Company Limited
Tender Results of Ntpc Sail Power Company Limited
NTPC SAIL Power Company Limited - NSPCL Tender Result
Consultancy Services...+2Other Consultancy Services, Software and IT Solutions
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.2 Million (USD 14.8 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Custom Bid For Services - Redesigning Hosting And Maintenance Of Nspcl Website
NTPC SAIL Power Company Limited - NSPCL Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.4 Million (USD 16.9 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Split Air Conditioner Including Green Ac - (version 2.0),split Air Conditioner Including Green Ac -
NTPC SAIL Power Company Limited - NSPCL Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1.5 Million (USD 18.1 K)
CATEGORY: M9481057002 , M9481057003 , M9481057004 ,
M9481057005 , M9481057006 , M9481057007 ,
M9481057008 , M9481057009 , M9481057010 ,
M9481057011 , M9481057012 , M9481057013 ,
M9481057014 , M9481057015 , M9481057016 ,
M9481057017 , M9481057018 , M9481057019 ,
M9481057020 , M9481057021 , M9481057022 ,
M9481057023 , M9481057024 , M9481057025 ,
M9481057026 , M9481057027 , M9481057028 ,
M9481057029 , M9481057030 , M9481057031 ,
M9481057032 , M9481057033 , M9481057034 ,
M9481057035 , M9481057036 , M9481057037 ,
M9481057038 , M9481057039 , M9481057040 ,
M9481057041 , M9481057042 , M9481057043 ,
M9481057044 , M9481057045 , M9481057046 ,
M9481057047 , M9481057048 , M9481057049 ,
M9481057050 , M9481057051 , M9481057052 ,
NTPC SAIL Power Company Limited - NSPCL Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 2 Million (USD 24.8 K)
CATEGORY: M9418256339 , M9418256340 , M9418256341 ,
M9438370005 , M9438370004 , M9438370006 ,
M9438370041 , M9438378720 , M9438378722 ,
M9438370039 , M9438388157 , M9438378744 ,
M9438378643 , M9438378736 , M9438370007 ,
1391-1400 of 1474 active Tender Results