Tender Results of Nottingham Trent University Ntu
Tender Results of Nottingham Trent University Ntu
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 800 K (USD 1 Million)
DaDA Building Furniture Package-The DaDa building refers to a new 10 storey flagship building to house the School of Design and Digital Arts, located at 42 Shakespeare Street, at Nottingham Trent University's City Campus. The Design and Digital Arts Building (DaDA) is one of the School's foundations for their vision to become a leading institution for the digital arts. As one of the first dedicated centres for the creative industries, it will be a place that attracts talented critical thinkers, designers, storytelle...
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 958 K (USD 1.1 Million)
T Block Mechanical Works-Refurbishment of the Erasmus Darwin T-Block Building from classrooms to Culture Tissue Laboratories at Nottingham Trent University Clifton Campus, Clifton Lane, Nottingham in accordance with Planning permission 23/01006/PFUL3 (PP-12186048).
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1 Million (USD 1.2 Million)
Provision of Graduation Gown Hire (LUPC Framework Ref: PFB5073 LU) Lot 1-Nottingham Trent University is keen to improve the graduate experience by providing a more innovative, distinctive and better value graduation service for students and is seeking to partner with a supplier who can support us to achieve these ambitions. Our gowning partner plays a highly valued and critical role in the success of every ceremony, and providing a professional, customer-focused and personalised end-to-end journey is an absolute must. The requirements set out in this specification ar...
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1.4 Million (USD 1.8 Million)
Provision of Waste Management Services-This tender process seeks an efficient, high quality waste collection and recycling management service, conducted in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner. The requirements are divided into the following Lots: Lot 1 - Scheduled Trade Waste Management Services. Award to 1 supplier. Lot 2 - Construction / Ad Hoc Waste Management Services. Award to 1 supplier. A supplier can secure either Lot 1, Lot 2 or both.
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1.4 Million (USD 1.7 Million)
Provision of Occupational Health Services-Further Competition against ESPO. Occupational Health Services via ESPO Framework Agreement Ref: 985B_23 Lot 1.
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1.4 Million (USD 1.8 Million)
DaDA Virtual Production Studio-This tender exercise is for the supply and installation of the specialist studio systems in the Green Screen, Black Box, Foley/ADR and Virtual Production studios in the DaDA Building, Shakespeare Street, Nottingham Trent University City Campus. This tender is split into 3 Lots, bidders may bid for any amount of Lots: - Lot 1 - Production Lighting Systems Lot 2 - Audio & Video Systems Lot 3 - Cameras & Accessories
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Belgrave Centre Refurb - Electrical Package-The project is Electrical Package for the refurbishment of a three-storey office accommodation (plus plant space above), NTU Belgrave Centre, Talbot Street, Nottingham, NG1 5LT.
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Belgrave Centre Refurb - Mechanical Package-The tender is for the Mechanical Package of the refurbishment of a three-storey office accommodation (plus plant space above), NTU Belgrave Centre, Talbot Street, Nottingham, NG1 5LT.
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Mansfield Pathway Revision B-Groundworks & Path Package - Mansfield Campus, Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham Trent University NTU Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
DICE Boiler House 1-DICE Boiler House 1 all in accordance with the attached tender documentation.
111-120 of 123 active Tender Results