Norway Tender Results

Norway Tender Results

Departementenes Sikkerhets Og Serviceorganisasjon Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The main purpose of the contract is to ensure the contracting authority a modern and updated machine park at the most favourable price for the contracting authority, by entering into a framework agreement with one tenderer that will cover the contracting authority's needs for cleaning machines, associated equipment and services. Associated equipment is defined as parts and products such as squeegees, brushes, vacuum cleaner bags, air filters, wheels, batteries, sensors, etc. Associated services are defined as • Service, maintenance, and repairs of machines (both current and future) • Loan machines for service, maintenance and repair • Recycling scheme for discarded cleaning machines See annex 1 of the contract for further details. The estimated value of the contract is from NOK 20,000,000 excluding VAT to NOK 25,000,000 excluding VAT. The framework agreement will have a 4-year duration from when the contract is signed, with the main period being 2 years in addition to 2 option years (2 + 1 + 1). See annex 1 of the contract for further details.
Contract Date20 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 25 Million (USD 2.4 Million)

Haugesund Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The tender contest concerns the provision of services related to the painting profession, including flooring The value of the procurement is estimated at: NOK 6,000,000 excluding VAT per year. The maximum value for the entire contract period, including any options and expected price increase is: NOK 27,000,000 excluding VAT. The need is uncertain. The value can be both higher and lower, and will depend on, among other things, the contracting authority's needs, activities, budgetary situation and other framework factors. See the procurement documents for further information.
Contract Date20 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 27 Million (USD 2.6 Million)


Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
AMO course for class D driver license training for speakers of minority languages Click
Contract Date20 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 35 Million (USD 3.4 Million)

Statens Vegvesen Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The new E8 from Sørbotn to Laukslett is approx. 10 km long. Several minor constructions of bridges and culverts are to be constructed along the route. Ramfjorden is to be crossed b y a beam bridge of approx. 870 m founded on steel pipe pillars. Avalanche protection is to be established in the form of two avalanche mounds along the road, and protection measures at avalanche rivers in the form of leading mounds and avalanche cones, as well as alterations to existing water supply/wells. There is an extraction area for solid rock in the southern part of the area around Sarastein. The existing avalanche mound is to be extended in the same area, as well as the establishment of an overpass for reindeer over the existing E8.
Contract Date20 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 2 Billion (USD 196.4 Million)

Medietilsynet Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The contest is for the complete and general delivery of IT operations and related services for Medietilsynet. Medietilsynet's goal is a cost efficient service contract with a qualified, robust, and suitable tenderer, so that Medietilsynet is able to carry out its assignments. The tenderer must provide good services with the correct and documented quality, and with good reports so that Medietilsynet can follow-up deliveries, quality, and security in an efficient way. Medietilsynet is an organisation that has continual changes and development. It is therefore a requirement that the tenderer's operating systems have a high degree of scaleability, that they are mainly standardised services based on standard products with as little specially developed adaptations as possible, and that the tenderer's operating system is continually being improved.
Contract Date19 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 1 (USD 0.09722406)

NTNU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The contracting authority shall establish a dynamic purchasing system for vehicles with focus on zero emission vehicles, basically electric vehicles. The procured vehicles are primarily, but not limited to: Small and large passenger cars, and small and large goods vans.
Contract Date19 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 599.9 K (USD 57 K)

NTNU Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Procurement of up to three autonome echo sounders with multi-frequency transformers (70 and 200 kHz). This procurement will enable the collection of backscattering data in the water column in a mooring type. This new equipment will make it possible to start new research within marine ecology and the development of competitive research proposals with colleagues for research on climate changes and the human impact on marine ecosystems.
Contract Date19 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 1.8 Million (USD 175 K)

Digitaliseringsdirektoratet Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The Directorate of Digitalisation (Digdir) will establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the public sector's need for PEPPOL services. The procured service must be part of the PEPPOL network and it must be built on standards from . Tenderers must be PEPPOL certified for the delivery to the approved. The system is being established on behalf of the entire public sector. Digdir is to be seen in this context as a procurement centre, cf. the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR) section 4-3, 1st paragraph, litra a), cf. section 7-8.
Contract Date19 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 3.7 Million (USD 352 K)


Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Ålesund Hospital carries out approx. 930 cataract operations a year with the help of a Phaco machine. A new Phaco machine is now to be procured for the department. A framework agreement will also be entered into for equipment-specific consumables.
Contract Date19 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 4 Million (USD 388.8 K)

FREVAR KF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Construction of internal scaffolding in boiler and narrow rooms, construction of suspended scaffolding and normal scaffolding construction for maintenance, internal/external. When erecting the scaffolding, consideration must be given to the fact that there can be a lot of activity and other jobs in the same place. It can be necessary to erect scaffolding in both boilers at the same time, access to sufficient staff is therefore important. Sufficient scaffolding must be stored at FREVAR to construct scaffolding in boiler rooms, and 2nd and 3rd levels.
Contract Date19 Dec 2023
Contract AmountNOK 4 Million (USD 388.8 K)
11-20 of 4408 active Tender Results