Tender Results of Natural England
Tender Results of Natural England
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date7 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNA
Workshop with Local Authorities for Relevant Factor Diagrams for HWNS tool-We are looking for a facilitator to design and run workshops on the Relevant Facotr Diagrams developed as part of the HWNS tool.We plan to hold a half-day in person workshop with the four LA partner authorities; Liverpool Combined Authority, Norfolk County Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Council and Surrey County Council. The primary aims of these workshops are: •To further enhance the pilot's awareness and understanding of HWNS, how they can use the tool and what benefits they can gain f...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date7 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNA
Fish Species Symposium-The contractor would organise and deliver two species-specific symposiums to be held before April 2023, and produce a summary report. The events aim to bring researchers, regulators, and Defra ALBs together at species-specific symposiums to: i) derive a clear consensus on current ecological understanding in England, and how this may vary across the species range, ii) discuss how this understanding can be used by managers to improve the conservation status of English populations, and ...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date4 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNA
Understanding the relationship between mobile bedforms and cable installations in the North Sea-A recurring issue for cable installations within territorial and offshore waters is the exposure of cables post installation and the subsequent need for external cable protection (e.g. Race Bank, BritNed, IFA2, Nemo, London Array). Mobile sediment bedforms (such as sandwaves and megaripples), which actively migrate across the seabed, have the potential to expose cables. In turn, cable exposure could result in scour (or secondary scour) and the removal of seabed sediments. Uncertainty regarding...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNA
Futures and Evaluation-This contract opportunity is for a suitably experienced supplier to help Natural England understand the relationship between evaluation and futures. From an evaluation perspective, we are interest to understand where futures techniques have been used directly to improve intervention design and evaluation. From a futures perspective, we are interested to understand where evaluative thinking has been used to inform futures projects. Overall we would like to gain an understanding of the ke...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Oct 2022
Contract AmountNA
Peat for the Planet Green Finance-To gain a greater understanding of the hydrological functioning of peatland across the north Shropshire project area, highlighting opportunities for restoring and connecting peatland habitats, increasing carbon sequestration and storage, reducing flood risk and providing greater landscape resilience to climate change.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date26 Sep 2022
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database - Spatial Environmental Data Update-Update of England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database Version 1.1 spatial (GIS) environmental data (as listed in the specification) to most recent data sources at time of contract.
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date26 Sep 2022
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
Somerset Wetlands BNG market analysis project-Natural England is working with the Local Planning Authorities in Somerset (District Councils and County Council) to help them gain a greater understanding of what is required to deliver biodiversity net gain (BNG). This piece of work will make an important contribution to advancing the understanding of the scale of BNG needed in Somerset, and how it can be delivered. This piece of work is funded through the Somerset Wetlands Nature Recovery Project (NRP). This is a landscape scale project, f...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date20 Sep 2022
Contract AmountNA
Design and delivery of intermediate and advanced training in DNA and eDNA methods for biodiversity monitoring-Design and delivery of intermediate and advanced training for Natural England staff, in the use and interpretation of DNA and eDNA based methods for environmental monitoring. The intermediate training should be an online webinar delivered over MS Teams or similar. Once the training material is developed, two duplicate training dates should be arranged and delivered. The advanced training should be a visit to a UK based laboratory, where participants can gain hands on experience of field and lab ...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date14 Sep 2022
Contract AmountNA
Marine Natural Capital and Ecosystems Assessment - Improving communication of summary outcomes-The marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme (mNCEA) is Defra's flagship 3-year research and development programme that will provide a robust evidence base, suite of tools and a framework where ecological, societal, and economic information is brought together in a holistic way. During this first year of the 3 year mNCEA programme, Natural England is leading a number of projects concerning both the application and innovation in natural capital approaches, and the transf...
Natural England Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date13 Sep 2022
Contract AmountGBP 10 K (USD 12.1 K)
Protected Landscapes Targets and Outcomes Framework - Developing a method to apportion national targets to individual protected landscapes-Following the Govenrment's response to the 2019 Landscapes Review, Natural England is working with Defra and a range of organisations to develop a Protected Landscape Targets and Outcomes Framework.This will identify priority national targets for all protected landscapes as a collective. The aim of this contract is to identify a method to apportion the collective protected landscape targets to individual National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. To apply please respond to t...
461-470 of 494 active Tender Results