Tender Results of Nantes Metropole
Tender Results of Nantes Metropole
Nantes Metropole Tender Result
Contract Date3 Dec 2013
Contract AmountEUR 64.4 Million (USD 68.6 Million)
Travaux de modernisation de l'usine de production d'eau potable de la Roche à Nantes - lot no1: filière de traitement. A titre accessoire, ce marché comporte une prestation d'insertion professionnelle des publics en difficulté.
Nantes Metropole Tender Result
Contract Date21 Nov 2013
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Provision of sedans and derivatives "special cars" of the segment B1, bicarburation Essence/GNV for the account of the grouping of orders constituted by Nantes Métropole, the city of Nantes and the municipal center of social action of Nantes.
221-230 of 314 active Tender Results