Tender Results of Municipal Green Management In Krakow
Tender Results of Municipal Green Management In Krakow
Municipal Green Management in Krakow Tender Result
Contract Date6 Apr 2023
Contract AmountPLN 138.6 Million (USD 32.1 Million)
Construction robots and repairs for the investment of pn.: "The land connecting the northern and eastern part of the Bagry Wielkie park along with the implementation of the lighting of the Grochowa," the construction of the area,
Municipal Green Management in Krakow Tender Result
Contract Date29 Mar 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Explained construction work related to construction tasks. "Park at Forcie w Bronowicach" ETAP I, for the Municipal Board of Zieleni Municipality in Kraków, for the Municipal Board of Zieleni Municipality in Krakow, Krakow
Municipal Green Management in Krakow Tender Result
Contract Date23 Mar 2023
Contract AmountPLN 41.4 Million (USD 9.6 Million)
Construction robots associated with delivery, editing and launching a new, module, free-standing public toilet. "Budowa toalety at the amusement square Jodlova" for ZZM in Krakow.
Municipal Green Management in Krakow Tender Result
Contract Date22 Mar 2023
Contract AmountPLN 884 Million (USD 205.2 Million)
Construction robots in the construction of a bicycle road on the slopes of the Rudawa River, as part of the Investigative Pn: "Budowa trail along the Rudawy River", for Zzmw Krakow.
31-40 of 85 active Tender Results