Tender Results of Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets
Tender Results of Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets
Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result
Contract Date9 Oct 2023
Contract AmountPLN 1.8 Million (USD 431.1 K)
Remont two local residents in residential buildings - a multi-day administrative district administered by the Municipal Board of Budynków Żynych in Tychach - ROM V V V VW - ROM V V V Wychach - ROM V V Wychach - ROM V Wychach - ROM V Wychach - ROM V Wychach - ROM V Wychach ROM V Wychach - ROM ROM V V V V V V V Wychach - - ROM V V V V Wach - ROM V Wach - - ROM ROM V V V Wach ROM V Wach - - ROM V V Wach - - - ROM ROM V V V V V V V V V V V Wach ROM ROM V V V V V V Wach ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM V V V V V V V V V Wach - ROM ROM ROM V V V V V V Wach ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM ROM V V V V V V V V
Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result
Contract Date10 Aug 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Development of design documentation as part of the investment task entitled "Expansion of the fire protection installation in the building of the Municipal Cultural Center at ul. Heroes of Warsaw 26”
Municipal Budget Board Of Local Budgets Tender Result
Contract Date9 Aug 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Development of design documentation as part of the tasks investment: "Adaptation of a part of the office building located at ul. Orzeszkowa 15 and al. Jana Pawła II 40 intended for residential premises"
21-30 of 72 active Tender Results