Tender Results of Maritime University In Gdynia

Tender Results of Maritime University In Gdynia

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date19 Jun 2023
Contract AmountPLN 201.6 K (USD 46.8 K)
Crew provision service on the r/v IMOR unit

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date15 Jun 2023
Contract AmountPLN 1.5 Million (USD 351 K)
Preparing lunch for the participants of the TransNav Conference at the Gniew Castle

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Jun 2023
Contract AmountPLN 12.6 K (USD 2.9 K)
Meals for participants of the TransNav Conference

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Jun 2023
Contract AmountPLN 473.7 K (USD 110 K)
Poland-Gdynia: Desktop computer

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date1 Jun 2023
Contract AmountPLN 723.2 K (USD 167.9 K)
Delivery of advertising gadgets for UMG - 6

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date18 May 2023
Contract AmountPLN 1.2 Million (USD 291.1 K)
The service for UMG employees during the event on 23 May 2023.

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date17 May 2023
Contract AmountPLN 632.8 K (USD 146.9 K)
Dostawa infrastruktury informatycznej niezbędnej do wdrożenia systemu USOS - 2

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date16 May 2023
Contract AmountPLN 7.3 K (USD 1.7 K)
Training on project management projects

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date16 May 2023
Contract AmountPLN 455.5 K (USD 105.7 K)
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa, wsparcie techniczne i implementacja Systemu Zarządzania Zasobami Bibliotecznymi w chmurze obliczeniowej oraz zapewnienie ciągłości działania systemu w modelu SaaS (Software as a Service) wraz z wymaganymi licencjami (o ile są one niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania systemu) dla Biblioteki Głównej Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni.

Maritime University In Gdynia Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date4 May 2023
Contract AmountPLN 80.6 K (USD 18.7 K)
Dostawa fuel na ship Dar Youthzieży - No voyage 250/03/23/03/23/23/03/23/23/03/23/23/23/03/23/23/23/03/23/03/23/23/23/03/23/03/23/23/03/23/23/03/23/23/23/23/03/23/23/23/03/23/23/23/04/23/23/23/23/23/04/23/23/23/03/23/23/23/04/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/04/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/04/23/23/23/23/04/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/04/04/23/04/04/23/23/04/23/23/23/23/23/04/04/04/04/04/04/23/04/
31-40 of 133 active Tender Results