Tender Results of Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01
Tender Results of Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 800 K (USD 843.1 K)
AUS21X010 - Hybase - Conclusion of a framework contract for updating the existing maintenance contract as well as extensions and adjustments to the existing documentation and analysis system "Hybase" of the Vienna Health Association including associated training.
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 1.2 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
AUS22D050 - Order Entry AKH Vienna - Software for electronic laboratory requests on 320 wards/outpatient clinics as well as in the planned central blood collection. Requirements are entered after jumping from AKIM or PDMS into an order entry software. The identification and assignment of the tubes to the patient is ensured via labels with patient identification printed in plain text that are printed during order entry/sample preparation and are stuck on the tubes
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 2 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
AUS22R040 - Planview licenses - The subject of the contract is the ongoing subscription including the associated maintenance and support services for the existing existing licenses as well as new Planview licenses and operationally required services (e.g. server upgrades as part of the lifecycle).
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 2 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
AUS22R040 - Planview Licenses - The subject of the contract is the ongoing subscription including the associated maintenance and support services for the existing existing licenses as well as new Planview licenses and operationally required services (e.g. server upgrades as part of the lifecycle).
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 2 Million (USD 2.2 Million)
AUS23E001-EDV solution TRAMIS: Subproject 2 cell and tissue system - The subject of the tender was the procurement of a software solution for a computer-supported TRAMIS in the area of “cell and tissue system” including maintenance.
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 2.3 Million (USD 2.4 Million)
AUS22D030 - Full Rugged Mobile Computer - Conclusion of a framework agreement for a period of 4 years and a 2-time, optional extension of a further year each for the delivery of Full Rugged Mobile Computers including accessories with a maximum total value of EUR 2,370,000.00 net.
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 2.6 Million (USD 2.8 Million)
AUS23T050 - Expansion of Vismedica systems - Conclusion of an open-ended framework contract for services for VISMEDICA systems and delivery services from VISMEDICA-SW for the expansion and operation of the city of Vienna's existing VISMEDICA systems.
Magistrat Der Stadt Wien Magistratsabteilung 01 Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 13.2 Million (USD 13.9 Million)
AUS22X014 - impulsKIS - Conclusion of an unlimited framework contract for the expansion, further development or adaptation of the existing health information system and the maintenance of the existing software.
61-70 of 108 active Tender Results