Luxembourg Tender Results
Luxembourg Tender Results
Espon Egtc Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
European research project for an efficient and inclusive uptake of energy communities
Contract Date29 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 666.1 K (USD 722.9 K)
European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking EuroHPC JU Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The purpose of the invitation to tender is to select one (1) economic operator (hereafter 'Contractor') for the component acquisition, delivery, assembly, hardware and software installation and maintenance of an exascale high-performance computing machine ('Supercomputer') that will be owned by the EuroHPC JU. The EuroHPC JU will conclude one contract with the successful tenderer in order to acquire, deliver, install and maintain the High-End Supercomputer hosted by the respective hosting entity. Therefore, the prospective contractors should have proven experience of acquiring, delivering, installing and maintaining supercomputers in similar environments as the ones required in this procurement procedure. The solutions to be procured are expected to outperform existing solutions regarding several of the following aspects: • performance/TCO, • programmability and usability, • versatility, • system stability, • power and energy efficiency, • computing density.
Contract Date29 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 273 Million (USD 298.9 Million)
Minist Res Des Affaires Trang Res Et Europ Ennes, Direction De La Coop Ration Au D Veloppement Et De L'Action Humanitaire Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Evaluation de « » en fonction des critères du CAD/OCDE avec missions de terrain à priori au Panama et au Tchad.
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 162.3 K (USD 171.1 K)
European Energy Efficiency Fund Eeef Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EEEF as TA contractor is searching for consultants/Consortium to provide legal, technical and financial advice to the Barcelona Metropolitan Area ( AMB) in Spain to support the preparation of the investment programme "Energy Efficiency and Maintenance Service for Public Buildings and Street Lighting." The objective is to increase energy efficiency levels in 15 municipalities by (I) upgrading 77 buildings (i.e., installation of remote management systems, replacement of gas/diesel boilers for HVAC system and/or biomass DH, lighting systems in buildings, and electrical switch off, installation of PV systems in 16 building to create energy communities,), (ii) installing 12 new biomass DH, and (iii) street lighting retrofit. Please note, this refers to a single contract in total, where two tenders will be published (2 lots). Please see ToR at:
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 383.2 K (USD 405.3 K)
SERVIOR Centres, Foyers Et Services Pour Personnes G Es Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Travaux d'excavation, remplacement de sol et terrassement à exécuter dans le cadre de construction de la nouvelle maison de soins à Rumelange (L-3743). Envergure des travaux: Travaux d'excavation, remplacement de sol, remplissage avec concassé et terrassement avec un volume d'environ 8.500 m³, dont : - 1.165 m³ terrassemen classe 1 (terre végétale) - 4.775 m³ terrassement classe 2-5 pour la construction du futur bâtiment - 2.950 m³ terrassement classe 3-5 pour aménagements extérieurs - Paroi berlinoise d'environ 22 m² - Travaux de démolition de constructions existantes
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 740.3 K (USD 803.4 K)
Administration Des B Timents Publics Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
A.1 (Lot 1.1) Pouponnière nationale - Fondation Elisabeth • 1 installation photovoltaïque comprenant 270 panneaux de 340 Wp. D.5 (Lot 1.2) Infrastructures communes - Fondation Elisabeth • 1 installation photovoltaïque comprenant 139 panneaux de 340 Wp La durée des travaux est de 85 jours ouvrables, à débuter fin 2023.
Contract Date26 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 355.6 K (USD 383.9 K)
Administration Des B Timents Publics Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
- Mobilier fixe pour 13 salles scientifiques et de préparation (physique/biologie/chimie) La durée des travaux est de 10 jours ouvrables, à débuter pour début 2024. Les travaux sont adjugés à prix unitaires.
Contract Date26 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 653.6 K (USD 705.7 K)
Espon Egtc Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
European research project on the topic of resilience.
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 809.9 K (USD 856.5 K)
European Commission, Statistical Office Of The European Union ESTAT Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The main purpose of this contract is the interoperability of IFS and FADN/FSDN – unique identifiers for agricultural holdings: • harvesting experiences and identifying best practices on the use of unique identifiers and interoperability in IFS and FADN/FSDN; • establishing a definition of agricultural holding for the attribution of unique identifiers; • issuing concrete recommendations on establishing unique identifiers for agricultural holdings; • organising a webinar on unique identifiers and interoperability between IFS and FADN/FSDN.
Contract Date22 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 460 K (USD 484.7 K)
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The object of this contract is to provide services and activities for the performance of periodic legal inspections on the safety installations of the Bank in Luxembourg, in accordance with the legal requirements in force in that country, as published by the ITM (Labour and Mines Inspectorate). The maintenance of these installations is the object of a separate contract.
Contract Date22 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 3 Million (USD 3.3 Million)
141-150 of 1084 active Tender Results