Tender Results of London Borough Of Hackney
Tender Results of London Borough Of Hackney
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract Date30 Aug 2022
Contract AmountGBP 708.2 K (USD 888.1 K)
Town Centre Sites Regeneration Programme (Dalston and Hackney Central feasibility studies) - Development Advisor Services - Homes England Property Professional Service Framework-The London Borough of Hackney is seeking to appoint an experienced property and development consultancy firm that will provide development and commercial advice to the Council's Area Regeneration, Housing Supply Programme, Estate Regeneration Programme and Asset Review services. The services required include: property advisory, land agency services, property investment, appraisal, development monitoring and financial services, valuation, development structures and partneri...
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Aug 2022
Contract AmountGBP 38.2 K (USD 46.3 K)
Bright Navigator-Reporting tool capturing customer satisfaction data and insight in order to make improvements to services
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Dec 2020
Contract AmountGBP 1.2 Million (USD 1.5 Million)
Multi Functional Devices-The supply of Multi-Function Devices (MFD) and associated services provided to the London Borough of Hackney (the Council). A key outcome of this contract for the Council is to deliver a resilient solution and responsive support service. This contract was procured using a mini competition against CCS Framework RM3781. The contract period is 3 years with two options to extend for 12 months.
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract Date23 Mar 2020
Contract AmountGBP 170 K (USD 216.4 K)
Tomlinson Annexe Building at Queensbridge Primary School Refurbishment for a Specially Resourced Provision (SRP)-Hackney Council appointed a contractor to undertake works at the Tomlinson Centre Annexe Building at Queensbridge Primary School, Queensbridge Road, London E8 3ND. The works consist of internal alterations, installation of a soft play room, sensory room and hygiene room. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations and decorations to the ground and first floor. This will enable the SRP unit to provide services for Hackney pupils.
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 10.8 K (USD 13.1 K)
Out of Hours Telephone Handling Service-The Council's out of hours service is currently outsourced. The out of hours services provides emergency support for residents where there is imminent risk to life or property. Support covers a multitude of emergency situations such as homelessness, adult & child protection, urgent repairs, highways incidents, where the local authority has a statutory duty to support residents.
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 15 K (USD 18.2 K)
Provision of confidential waste services for Hackney secondary schools-Hackney Council is seeking quotations for a confidential waste service for a number of secondary schools. The contract term will initially be for three years commencing April 1 2023 with an option to extend for +1 year +1 year option, extending the contract into 2028.
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 18.9 K (USD 23.9 K)
Multi Disciplinary Services for Technical and Design Services - Former Baden Powell primary school site-Multi Disciplinary Services for Technical and Design Services for the Refurbishment, Upgrade and Adaptation of the former Baden Powell primary school site to provide expanded SEND special school provision as a satellite site to an existing SEND school in the borough. Initially Stage 1 Feasibility. Possibility of subsequent award for RIBA Stages 2-4
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result

United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 20 K (USD 25.2 K)
Stoke Newington Library Restoration Project Clerk of Works-Clerk of Works Services for the Stoke Newington Library Refurbishment Project.
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 26.8 K (USD 32.7 K)
Education and Training-Following a Framework Process for the 23/24 Adult Skills service, certain gaps in our commissioned provision were identified which could not be filled by our direct teaching staff or current providers.
London Borough Of Hackney Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 27.4 K (USD 35 K)
Air Quality Monitoring - Local Site Operator (LSO) Services-Hackney Council is seeking a qualified organisation to carry out Local Site Operator (LSO) duties at four automatic air quality monitoring stations. LSO duties are to be carried out in line with Defra's LSO Manual and to the standards of the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN). This initial term will be for a period of twelve months from 01/01/2025, with the option for two further twelve month extensions (12 months + 12 + 12). Detailed information is provided in the Request for Q...
281-290 of 400 active Tender Results