Tender Results of Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government
Tender Results of Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Crewing cover for Welsh Fisheries Patrol Vessels-Welsh Government operate three Fishery patrol Vessels and are responsible for enforcing the entire Welsh zone. The two larger vessels have a minimum safe manning level of four crew and the third vessel a minimum safe manning level of three crew. All crew on board the vessels have specific qualifications and experience which are required to undertake their roles. Due to the nature of the work involved, it is not possible to move staff from other departments within Welsh Government to cover any p...
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
FC204/2022/2023 - Celtic Lakes Power – Utilities Support-Assist in planning and procurement of power infrastructure at the Celtic Lakes site in Newport
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Business Account System (BAS) Support Contract-This procurement is a call-off under the Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud 13 Framework for Operations support and software enhancements for the Business Account System (BAS) application.
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
StatsWales Support-Annual Support of StatsWales including provision of help desk services. Call-off for discretionary Dev/Ops activities, Training and Consultancy.
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Welsh Air Quality Evidence Base-The Welsh Government (WG) has responsibility for managing and improving air quality in Wales. This includes the implementation of suitable policies and measures that work towards improving the air pollution climate within Wales to minimise, as far as possible, impacts of atmospheric pollutants upon the health of people and the environment in Wales. In addition such measures, aim to work towards full compliance with statutory requirements for a range of air pollutants set at the European and nati...
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
AV 2nd Line Support and Optional Services-This procurement is a call-off under the Welsh Government All Wales Framework Agreement for Supply of IT Products and Services (ii) (NPS -ICT-0094-19) under Lot 4: Audio Visual: for specialist second-line Audio Visual Support Services, and related optional services and projects.
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Procurement Reform Readiness Review-Change management analysis for all procurement processes covering technical, people and process for business change management to address what changes are required. To identify any issues and gaps within the current procurement processes across Welsh Government to inform digital improvements.
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Antimicrobial Resistance – One Health-Animal and environment aspects of AMR controls in Wales. CPV: 90700000, 90700000.
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Caerphilly Castle Regeneration Main Works-The award of the contract for the main regeneration works at Caerphilly Castle following the publication of a Voluntary ex-ante Transparency Notice ref 2022/S 000-036684. CPV: 45212354, 45212354.
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Satellite Imagery for Wales-This is an Contract Award Notice for Lot 1, Lot 2 is still under evaluation. Previous Notice Reference 2023/S 000-000838 https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales//search/show/Search_View.aspx?id=JAN423818 The aim of the EO programme is to test and trial the use of satellite imagery and remote sensing techniques, in the design and implementation of the Rural Investment Schemes (RIS) and the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), to assess the extent which the use of satellite imagery (specifically VHR/VHF) ...
261-270 of 300 active Tender Results