Tender Results of Indian Council Of Agricultural Research
Tender Results of Indian Council Of Agricultural Research
Indian Council Of Agricultural Research Tender Result
Chemical Products
Contract Date14 Feb 2025 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: Coomassie Brilliant Blue G 250 , Bovine serum albumin ,
Barium carbonate AR , tri-Sodium citrate , Nutrient Broth ,
Nutrient Agar 1 point 5 , Agar Powder BACTERIOLOGICAL
GRADE , Peptone Bacteriological , HM Peptone B Agar ,
Yeast extract powder , Sodium chloride AR , Potato Dextrose
Agar GRANULATED , D Glucose , Iodine Solution , Gallic acid
, Lactophenol cotton blue , Immersion oil low , Crystal Violet
, Safranin , Ammonium Metavandate AR , Ammonium
Molybdate AR , Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate , Sulfuric acid
pure AR 2 point 5 Litre , Chloroform AR 500ml , Ferroin
indicator 100ml , Diphenylamine AR 250 gm ,
Orthophosphoric acid abt 88percent AR 500ml , Sodium
fluoride Extra Pure and AR 500gm , Potassium hydrogen
phthalate 100gm , Sodium bicarbonate AR 500gm , Silica
gel 60 200 mesh 74 250 mm 500gm , L-Ascorbic Acid AR
100gm , p-Nitrophenol 5gm , Potassium Dihydrogen
Orthophosphate LR 500gm , Ammonium acetate AR 500gm
, Acetic acid glacial AR 500ml , Potassium chloride AR
500gm , Calcium chloride dihydrate AR 500gm , Barium
chloride dihydrate AR 500gm , Ammonium chloride AR
500gm , Hydrochloric acid 35 percent AR 500ml ,
Eriochrome Black T 25gm , Hydroxylamine hydrochloride AR
500gm , EDTA disodium salt dihydrate AR 500gm ,
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate AR 500gm ,
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid DTPA 500gm , Oxalic
acid AR 500gm , Azomethine H monosodium salt hydrate 5g
, L Tartaric acid AR 500gm , tri Sodium citrate dihydrate AR
500gm , Sulphamic acid AR 500gm , Dextrose Agar 100gm ,
Perchloric acid about 60 percent AR 500ml , Nitric acid min
69percent pure AR 500ml , Bromocresol Green Indicator 125
ml , Methyl Red indicator 125 ml , Phenolphthalein 0 point 1
125ml , Potassium sulphate AR 500gm , 1 3
5Triphenyltetrazolium formazan 5gm , 2 3 5
Triphenyltetrazolium chloride AR 10gm , Potassium
hydroxide pellets AR 500gm , Triethanolamine AR 500ml ,
Antimony potassium tartrate trihydrate AR 500gm , Gum
acacia, powder 500gm , Calcium carbonate AR 500gm ,
Calcon indicator 5gm , Magnesium oxide heavy AR 500gm ,
Volumetric flask Class A 100ml , Volumetric flask Class A
50ml , Volumetric flask Class A 25ml , Buchner funnel 80ml
, FILTER FLASK With Glass Tubulation 100ml , Weighing
bottle 15ml , Weighing bottle 40ml , Measuring Cylinders
with stopper 1000ml , Essential oil determination apparatus
Clevenger Apparatus 1000ml , Alcohol distillation unit
1000ml , Volumetric pipettes 5ml , Volumetric pipettes
10ml , Volumetric pipettes 20ml , Volumetric pipettes 25ml
, Glass weighing scoop 10ml , Glass mortar and pestle ,
Quartz low form beaker With spout 500ml , Quartz
erlenmeyer conical flask 250ml , Quartz volumetric flask
25ml , Quartz measuring cylinder 250ml , Quartz mohr
graduated pipettes 1 ml , Quartz mohr graduated pipettes
10 ml , Rectangular HDPE Carboy with PP closure and
stopcock 10L , Rectangular HDPE Carboy with PP closure
and stopcock 20L , Powder Funnel PP , Parafilm M Size WxL
4 X 125 , Wire gauge , Triangular tripod , Quantitative Filter
Papers , Handypette Pipette Aid PP Silicone 10 ml ,
Handypette Pipette Aid PP Silicone 25 ml , Pipette Bulb, PP
Natural Rubber , Pipette Rack Horizontal PP , Multipurpose
labelling tape , Y Connector , Sample Bags LDPE
Indian Council Of Agricultural Research Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Contract Date13 Feb 2025
Contract AmountINR 1 Million (USD 12.6 K)
CATEGORY: Table ADDON 1200W 600D 900H , Table ADDON 600W
600D 900H , Table main 1050W 600D 900H , Under Bench
Cabinet 450W 450D 674H 1S 1D LH , Under Bench Cabinet
450W 450D 674H 1S 1D RH , Under Bench Cabinet 600W
450D 674H 2S 1D , Wall Cabinet 600W 320D 674H 2S ,
Reagent Shelf Island ADDON 600W , Reagent Shelf Island
Main 1050W , Leg Space Panel Set 600W 900H , Rear Side
Panel Set 600D 900H , Island Side Panel Set 1200W 900H ,
Corner Table Door Frame 900H , Corner Table Pipe Frame
600D 900H , Table Mounted Trunking , Side Panel for Sink
Unit , Pp Drop-in Sink model S 06 560 Mm W x 355 Mm D , 3
Way Water Faucet Bench Mounted 8 inch swing gooseneck ,
Bracket for island table , Jet Black Granite sq mt , 6mm self
adhesive natural rubber strip , Silicon sealant Black ,
Masking Tape , 16A 1 way switch model No M0130 , Anti
Siphon Bottle Trap Model S 04 Make premier , Flexible F
Serated connector model Hp 01 make premier , 3 module
plate Model No Cs933M , 6 or 16A, 6 pin shutter socket
model No M1332 , WFM 2S 1D 750W 635H , WFM 2S 1D
900W 635H
Indian Council Of Agricultural Research Tender Result
Contract Date13 Feb 2025
Contract AmountINR 708.5 K (USD 8.1 K)
CATEGORY: 50 bp DNA Ladder , TAE Buffer , RNA Stabilization Solution ,
N 3 Dimethylaminopropyl N ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride
, N Hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium salt , Gold Chloride ,
Biotin , Latex beads, carboxylate modified polystyrene,
fluorescent red , Latex beads carboxylate modified
polystyrene fluorescent orange , Latex beads carboxylate-
modified polystyrene fluorescent yellow green , Sodium
Azide , Poly ethylene glycol , Desalting Column , Potassium
Phosphate Monobasic , Boric Acid , EDTA , Competent Cells
, Hematoxylin , Eosin , Sodium cacodylate , Glutaraldehyde
, Agarose Powder , High fidelity Hot Start PCR master mix ,
DNA ladder , EcoRI restriction enzyme , Hind III restriction
enzyme , Sal I restriction enzyme , Bam HI restriction
enzyme , LB Broth , LB agar , IPTG , Pre stained protein
ladder , Tris SDS Buffer , TEMED , Skim Milk Powder ,
Ammonium persulphate , Acrylamide Bis-acrylamide
solution , Laemmli Buffer , Tris base , Glycine , SDS , Ni NTA
agarose , Urea , Sodium phosphate monobasic , Transfer
buffer , Methanol , Tris buffered saline , TBST , Blocker for
western blotting , TMB substrate solution , Imidazole ,
Carbonate Bicarbonate Buffer , Sulphuric acid , Competent
E coli cells , TMB substrate , Acetic acid , Coomassie
brilliant blue G 250 , PCR Master Mix , Protease Inhibitor
Cocktail , SYTOX Green Nucleic Acid Stain , DNA Gel Stain ,
PCR Master Mix 2X Hotstart , Nucleic acid gel stain dye safe
, RNAse decontamination solution , Anhydrous denatured
Ethanol , Ethanol diluent for DNA extraction , SYBR Green
Master Mix for Real Time-PCR , Kanamycin sulphate ,
Ampicillin Sodium Salt , Chloramphenicol
11-20 of 5586 active Tender Results