Tender Results of Hindustan Urvarak And Rasayan Limited
Tender Results of Hindustan Urvarak And Rasayan Limited
Hindustan Urvarak And Rasayan Limited - HURL Tender Result
Contract Date18 Oct 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 5.6 Million (USD 67 K)
CATEGORY: M7312300064 , M7304000013 , M7312300061 ,
M7312600073 , M7312300074 , M7312300071 ,
M7312300062 , M7312300063 , M7312300067 ,
M7312300068 , M7312300065 , M7312300066 ,
M7304000012 , M7304000031 , M7304000019 ,
M7304000014 , M7304000015 , M7304000017 ,
M7304000018 , M7304000020 , M7304000010 ,
M7304000011 , M7304000004 , M7304000005 ,
M7304000006 , M7304000007 , M7304000001 ,
M7304000008 , M7304000009 , M7304000002 ,
M7304000032 , M7304030032 , M7304030030 ,
M7304030029 , M7304030073 , M7304030076 ,
M7304030019 , M7304030341 , M7304040020 ,
M7304040071 , M7304040046 , M7304040063 ,
M7304040062 , M7304060002 , M7304060008 ,
M7304060009 , M7307900045 , M7307900046 ,
M7307900047 , M7200900041 , M7200900040 ,
M7200900054 , M7200900001 , M7200900055 ,
M7200900002 , M7200090060 , M7200900048 ,
M7200900047 , M7200900046 , M7200900045 ,
M7200900044 , M7200090061 , M7200900035 ,
M7200900049 , M7200900050 , M7200900051 ,
M7200900052 , M7200900039 , M7200900053 ,
M7200900056 , M7200900057 , M7200900058 ,
M7200900004 , M7200900059 , M7610900062 ,
M7610900060 , M7610900130 , M7610900069 ,
M7610900131 , M7610900071 , M7610900132 ,
M7610900133 , M7610030001 , M9907020001 ,
M7404030013 , M7404030014 , M7404030015 ,
M7404030016 , M7404030017 , M7404000001 ,
M7404010001 , M7404020005 , M7404030024 ,
M7404030025 , M7404030026 , M7404030027 ,
M7404030028 , M7404030029 , M7404030030 ,
M7610900006 , M7507050009 , M7507050011 ,
M7404000002 , M7403030002 , M7311040016 ,
M7312900059 , M7400100002 , M1607070001 ,
M1607070005 , M1607070004 , M1607070002 ,
M7400000003 , M7400000026 , M7401020001 ,
M7401000002 , M7406000001 , M7401000003 ,
LED1000002 , M7400000027 , M1607020002 ,
M1607020003 , M1607020004 , M1607020005 ,
M1607020006 , M1607020007 , M1607020008 ,
M1607020009 , M1607020010 , M1607020011 ,
M1607050001 , M1607050002 , M7601000003 ,
M7601000002 , M2105390001 , M7200080001 ,
M7200090003 , M7200090004 , M7200090005 ,
M7200090006 , M7200090007 , M7200090009 ,
M7200140011 , M7200090013 , M7200020001 ,
M7200020002 , M7200250003 , M7304080006 ,
M7601030032 , M7000040643 , M7301900010 ,
M7301900007 , M7314650001 , M7322050308 ,
M7322800005 , M7322830007 , M7323600007 ,
M7610900074 , M7322860002 , M7322860003
Hindustan Urvarak And Rasayan Limited - HURL Tender Result
Contract Date17 Oct 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 615.2 K (USD 7.3 K)
CATEGORY: M6560100043 , M6305010017 , M6530400007 ,
M6530400011 , M6560100114 , M6560100111 ,
M6560100164 , M6560100161 , M6510400001 ,
M6540100048 , M6610170006 , M6305330108 ,
M6305330016 , M5320100013 , M2819110016 ,
M2819110063 , M2819110082 , M6305250020 ,
M6305250021 , M6305250022 , M6305250069 ,
M6305250070 , M6305250071 , M6305250164 ,
M6305250165 , M6305250166 , M2829190004 ,
M5310050594 , M2829190015 , M2829190014
Hindustan Urvarak And Rasayan Limited - HURL Tender Result
Contract Date12 Oct 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.1 Million (USD 12.7 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Astm A240 Ss304 Plate 3mm Thickness,astm A240 Ss304 Plate 6mm Thickness
Hindustan Urvarak And Rasayan Limited - HURL Tender Result
Hiring of Vehicles
Contract Date10 Oct 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 26.9 Million (USD 320.4 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Custom Bid For Services - Hiring Of Vehicles
71-80 of 809 active Tender Results