Tender Results of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Tender Results of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - HAL Tender Result
Contract Date30 Dec 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountNA
CATEGORY: 4920007585-93 , 4920007586-90 , 4920003542-97 ,
4920000726-09 , 4920000727-06 , 4920003543-94 ,
4920000728-03 , 4920007588 -84 , 4920007589 -81 ,
4920003017-23 , 4233480681-78 , 4920001095-66 ,
4920007592-72 , 4920007593-69 , 4920007594-66 ,
DTP00420H-01 , DTP00450H-01 , DTP00620H-01 ,
DTP00820H-02 , DTP00850H-04 , DTP01020H-01 ,
DTP00250H-02 , DTP00320H-02 , DTP00330H-01 ,
DTP00500H-01 , DTP00600H-01 , 4920007601-45 ,
4920007602-42 , 4920000793-03 , 4651812300-48 ,
4920002087-97 , 4549013722-93 , SIZE 12 C-CLAMP ,
4999997769-72 , 4920007603-39 , 4920002083-12 ,
4920007611-15 , RCP00400H-01 , RHP00500H-01 ,
RHP00600H-01 , RHP00800H-01 , RHP01000H-01 ,
4920007612-12 , 4285602833-47 , 599 HACKSAW L-520MM
, 660A.10 HACKSAW BLADE , CSP00218F-01 , CSP00403F-01
, CSP00480F-01 , CSP00550F-01 , CSP00630F-01 ,
4920007613-09 , 4920004098-78 , 4650125048-53 ,
4999997699-88 , 4920007614-06 , 779.FRT , 4920000214-
90 , 4920007615-03 , 4920007617-94 , 4920007619-88 ,
4920007620-85 , 4920005569-30 , 4920005831-20 ,
4920007621-82 , 4920007622-79 , 4920007623-76 ,
4920007624-73 , 4920001076-26 , 4920007625-70 , ALH-
GSE-CLINO-MECH , 4920007649-95
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - HAL Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date26 Dec 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 4.1 Million (USD 48.3 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Hydraulic Test Rig Part No. (eqpt-2139-000-adlm)
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - HAL Tender Result
Contract Date18 Dec 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 4.8 Million (USD 57.1 K)
CATEGORY: JT.6 or EQVT. , JT.8or EQVT. , FSDR or EQVT. , ANF 8 X 150
or EQVT. , AWH 8 X 175 or EQVT. , ANP 2 X 125 or EQVT. ,
445.8DS or EQVT. , 445.10DS or EQVT. , ARZ6.5or EQVT. ,
DELA.3224.00 or EQVT. , 255.G2.5 or EQVT. , 255.G4 or
EQVT. , 255.G6 or EQVT. , 255.G18 or EQVT. , 256.2.5 or
EQVT. , 256.4 or EQVT. , RAB.DRDB300EMA or EQVT. , 227.3
X 50T3 or EQVT. , 227.4 X 70T3 or EQVT. , 227.5 X 80T3 or
EQVT. , 227.6 X 100T3 or EQVT. , 227.8 X 125T3 or EQVT. ,
VFA.600 or EQVT. , VFA.602 or EQVT. , VFA.604 or EQVT. ,
VFA.606 or EQVT. , VFA.608 or EQVT. , VFA.610 or EQVT. ,
VFA.1200 or EQVT. , VFA.1202 or EQVT. , VFA.1204 or EQVT.
, VFA.1206 or EQVT. , VFA.1208 or EQVT. , VFA.1210 or
EQVT. , 234.S or EQVT. , 249.2 or EQVT. , 249.3 or EQVT. ,
249.4 or EQVT. , 249.5 or EQVT. , 440.33 or EQVT. , AWPH 2
X 125 or EQVT. , 234 or EQVT.
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - HAL Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date2 Dec 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountNA
BAR, 30CD12, Ø 140± 4mm , ITEM# 3, STEEL BAR, MSRR
6522/AMS 5645, Ø 125± 4mm , ITEM# 4, STEEL BAR,
E16NCD13, Ø 75± 3mm , ITEM# 5, STEEL BAR, MIL S
46850B TYPE IV GR250, Ø 127± 4mm
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - HAL Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Contract Date30 Nov 2024 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 169.8 K (USD 1.9 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
A4 Color Multi Function Machine
1-10 of 10000 active Tender Results