Tender Results of European Education And Culture Executive Agency Eacea
Tender Results of European Education And Culture Executive Agency Eacea
European Education And Culture Executive Agency EACEA - EACEA Tender Result
Contract Date13 Dec 2023
Contract AmountEUR 12.7 Million (USD 14 Million)
Services to support to the International Erasmus+ Alumni networks. Under this framework contract, these international student and alumni networks will benefit from administrative, organisational, logistical, communication and technical support services, legal, accounting and linguistic services, as well as content development and structured feedback on EU educational mobility programmes and their impact. This project brings together European Union funded exchange students and alumni from any education and training sector through support to the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA) and regional alumni associations, in particular the Western Balkans Alumni Association (WBAA) and the African Student and Alumni Forum (ASAF).
European Education And Culture Executive Agency EACEA - EACEA Tender Result
Contract Date16 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 4.9 Million (USD 5.4 Million)
Services in the field of data collection, analysis, communication and dissemination, coordination and data visualisation for the development of a European Higher Education Sector Observatory. It intends to combine EU data tools and capacities (ETER, U-Multirank, Erasmus+ database, DEQAR, Eurostudent, Eurograduate, Eurydice related reports, Mobility Scoreboard, etc). It will provide useful indicators, benchmarks, analysis and reports for policy makers, European HEI, students, academics and researchers. It will be a section within the National Policies Platform. Initial duration of 24 months renewable one time for 24 months.