Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For European Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid Operations Echo , Echo B Disaster Preparedness And Prevention
Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For European Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid Operations Echo , Echo B Disaster Preparedness And Prevention
European Commission, Directorate General For European Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid Operations ECHO , ECHO B Disaster Preparedness And Prevention Tender Result
Contract Date16 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 5.2 Million (USD 5.7 Million)
The purpose of this call for tender is to select contractors that will design, plan, conduct and self-evaluate specific exercises for civil protection modules, other response capacities registered in CECIS, Technical Assistance and Support Teams (TAST) and European Union Civil Protection Teams (EUCPT) deployable in missions under the mechanism.
European Commission, Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations ECHO , ECHO B Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Tender Result
Contract Date20 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 2.4 Million (USD 2.6 Million)
The subject of this call for tender is to carry out a multi-country study based on a comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk landscape in the targeted regions and their capabilities/capacities to respond to disasters. The study will target beneficiaries from the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and European neighbourhood policy countries (southern and eastern neighbourhood).