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European Commission, Directorate General For Communication Comm , Comm B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts And Edcc
Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Communication Comm , Comm B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts And Edcc

Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Communication Comm , Comm B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts And Edcc

European Commission, Directorate General For Communication COMM , COMM B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts And EDCC Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date19 Jun 2023
Contract AmountEUR 60 Million (USD 63.2 Million)
The needs of the participating contracting authorities have been underestimated due to a higher number of projects that had to use exclusively online channels only during COVID. For some of them the Commission has already accepted to release part of its ceiling to the requesting PCA. The current overall ceiling for the Commission is EUR 25 809 700. The remaining ceiling for the last 2 years of this FWC is EUR 10 714 743. The remaining ceiling will not cover the needs of the Commission for the next 2 years. In addition to this, it is expected that other PCA contact the Commission to increase their ceiling due to additional needs. The increase of the ceiling of this FWC has become necessary. This possibility was foreseen in the tender specifications (Section 1.7 of the Tender Specifications, Part 1 – Administrative Specifications). As stated in the tender specifications, this will consist in a repetition of similar services.

European Commission, Directorate General For Communication COMM , COMM B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts And EDCC Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date19 Jun 2023
Contract AmountEUR 75 Million (USD 79 Million)
The needs of the participating contracting authorities have been underestimated due to projects linked to COVID (eg., EMA). For some of them the Commission has accepted to release part of its ceiling to the requesting PCA. The current overall ceiling for the Commission is EUR 36 406 300. The remaining ceiling for the last 2 years of this FWC is EUR 9 215 843 will not cover the needs of the Commission for the next 2 years. Two requests from EEAS (for EUR 500 000) and from the Council (for EUR 300 000) are pending and will be subject to the outcome of this negotiated procedure. It is expected that other PCA contact the Commission to increase their ceiling due to additional needs. The increase of the ceiling of this FWC has therefore become necessary. This possibility was foreseen in the tender specifications (Section 1.7 of the Tender Specifications, Part 1 – Administrative Specifications). As stated in the tender specifications, this will consist in a repetition of similar services.

European Commission, Directorate General for Communication COMM , COMM B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts and EDCC Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date13 Nov 2022
Contract AmountEUR 60 Million (USD 63.2 Million)
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is for the procurement of communication and associated services. The procedure is divided in seven separate and independent DPSs as follows: — Category 1 – media planning and buying, — Category 2 – media planning consultancy and benchmarking, — Category 3 – creative services and products, — Category 4 – editorial services and products and translation/linguistic adaptation, — Category 5 – events and conferences, — Category 6 – gadgets, — Category 7 – strategy and research.

European Commission, Directorate General for Communication COMM , COMM B 2 Interinstitutional Relations, Corporate Contracts and EDCC Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 Aug 2022
Contract AmountEUR 173.5 K (USD 184.6 K)
The mini-competition was launched within the scope of the DPS for communication services (COMM/B2/DPS/2021/0001) under category 3 'Creative services and products' (hereinafter the 'DPS'). This mini-competition was governed by the rules and processes set out in the DPS specifications and the procurement documents of this mini-competition in particular the tender specifications. Only DPS participants that have been admitted to category 3 were eligible to participate.