Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Budget Budg , Budg R 2 Hr Correspondent Team, Finance And Internal Control
Tender Results of European Commission, Directorate General For Budget Budg , Budg R 2 Hr Correspondent Team, Finance And Internal Control
European Commission, Directorate General For Budget BUDG , BUDG R 2 HR Correspondent Team, Finance And Internal Control Tender Result
Contract Date27 Jul 2023
Contract AmountEUR 300 K (USD 316.1 K)
The NextGenerationEU (NGEU) recovery plan aim to protect lives and livelihoods, repair the single market and build a lasting and prosperous recovery. NGEU provides close to EUR 807 billion. These funds are provided by issuing of debt. The Commission has decided to fund 30 % of NGEU through green bonds in line with its efforts to reorient capital flows to a more sustainable economy. For the specific purpose of issuing green bonds, the Commission has developed a green bond framework, which is aligned with the Green Bond Principles developed by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). The Commission has committed that it will provide investors and the wider public with transparent reporting on the environmental impact of the expenditure financed by NGEU green bonds, based on a range of information sources available to the Commission.