Tender Results of Employment And Training Department

Tender Results of Employment And Training Department

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date6 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.2 Million (USD 26.8 K)
CATEGORY: DesktopComputer , CrimpingTool , NetworkRack , DigitalMultimeters , ScrewdriverSet

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date3 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 115.5 K (USD 1.3 K)
CATEGORY: OEM / Compatible Cartridge / Consumable (Q2)

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Contract Date2 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.7 Million (USD 21.4 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Instructor table with Chair , Students chairs with writing pads , Work bench , Suitable gas welding table , Suitable Arc welding table , Suitable Gas cutting table , Working Bench , Wiring Board on Stand , Metal Rack , Lockers with drawers , Fire buckets with stand

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Electrical Generators And Transformers...+2Electrical and Electronics, Scraps
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
1 year ago
Contract Date1 Feb 2024
Contract AmountINR 78.6 K (USD 900.4623)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Sale Of Condemned Tools ,copper With Transformer Scrap,pvc Insulated Copper Scrap And Brass Scrap

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
1 year ago
Contract Date30 Jan 2024
Contract AmountINR 1.1 Million (USD 12.8 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Sale Of Condemned Machineries Scrap

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date20 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16.1 K)
CATEGORY: Connecting screwdriver , Neon tester 500 V , Screw driver set , Insulated combination pliers , Insulated side cutting pliers , Long nose pliers , Soldering iron , Electrician knife , Tweezers , Digital Multimeter , Soldering Iron Changeable bits , De soldering pump , Precision set of screw drivers , Tweezers Bend tip , Steel measuring tape , Tools makers vice , Tools maker vice , Crimping tool pliers , Magneto spanner set , Plier Flat Nose , Allen key set , Tubular box spanner set , Magnifying lenses , Continuity tester , Hacksaw frame adjustable , Chisel Cold Flat , Scissors , Handsaw 450mm , Hand Drill Machine Electric , First aid kit , Air Conditioner , Dual DC regulated power supply , DC Power Supply , LCR meter , CRO Dual Trace , Battery Charger , Analog multimeter , Clamp meter , Function generator , Dimmer starter , Autotransformer , Milli Ammeter AC , Milli Ammeter DC , Digital IC Trainer , Digital IC Tester , power electronic trainer , Computer , Laser jet Printer , Electronic circuit simulation software , DSO colour , soldering desoldering station , SMD soldering desoldering Station , Frequency trainer kit , radio recievers , Microcontroller kits , Application kits for Microcontrollers , Sensor Trainer Kit , Fiber optic communication trainer , Seven segment DPM trainer , LCD based DPM , SMPS of different make , Mobile phone Trainer , Smart phones , Cell phone power source , LCD TV Trainer kit , LCD TV 21 , LED TV Trainer kit , LED TV 21 , Solar Training Kit or Simulator , LED lighting system

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date20 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.5 Million (USD 18.8 K)
CATEGORY: Almirah , Lockers with 8 drawers standard size , Metal rack , Instructor Table , Instructor Chair , Black board with easel , Fire extinguisher For 4 Units , Fire buckets , Machine vice , Wing compass , Hand hammer with handle , Torque wrench Standard or Ratchet type , Power tools for fastening , Different Profile gauges , Knurling tool , Indexable boring bar , Machine maintenance manual for Lathe , Temperature gauge , Dowel pin straight , Standard Tap screws , Lapping plate , Medium carbon Heat treated alloy , Caps screws , Drill gauges , Cast Iron Globe Valve Flanged type , C I Sluice and Gate valve flanged type , Stop cock , M S Pipe , G I Pipe , Slip-on Forged steel Flange , Bolt and Nut with washer , Pipe threading die with handle , Jigs and Fixture , Pulleys for V-belt or Flat belt , Steel keys , Damaged old spur gear , V belt and Flat belt , Packing gasket , Washer clutch keys jib cotter circlip , Hollow punch , Drill Drift , Bearing different types , Lifting sling , Bearing extractor , Pulley extractor , Pocker , Prick punch , Mallet , Aviation Snips straight Cut , Flat headed hammers with handle , Planishing hammer , Snip bent Left Cut , Stake hatchet with Leg , Stake grooving , Slip Gauge as Johnson metric set , Gauge snap Go and Not Go , Gauge plug , Dial test indicator on stand , Dial Vernier caliper Universal type , Screw thread micrometer , Depth micrometer 0-25 mm , Digital vernier caliper , Digital Micrometer outside , Comparators Gauge Dial , Engineer try square knife edge

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date20 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2 Million (USD 23.9 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Steel Rule , Try Square , Caliper inside spring type , Caliper hermaphrodite , Caliper outside , Divider spring type , Scriber , Centre Punch , Screw driver , Chisel cold flat , Hammer ball peen , File flat second cut , File flat smooth , File half round second cut , Hacksaw frame fixed type , Safety goggles , Dot punch , Steel Rule Graduated , Straight edge steel , Spirit Level metal Type 2 , Stud Extractor EZY out , Micrometer inside with extension rods , Vernier caliper , Screw pitch gauge Metric , Surface plate C I and Granite , Marking table , Universal scribing block , V-Block pair with clamps , Angle plate , Punch letter set , Punch number set , Portable hand drill Electric , Drill twist straight shank , Drill twist Taper shank , Taps and dies complete set , File knife edge smooth , File feather edge smooth , File triangular smooth , File round second cut , File square second cut , Feeler gauge , File triangular second cut , File flat second cut safe edge , File flat bastard , File Swiss type needle , File half round bastard , File round bastard , File hand second cut , File card Wire Brush , Oil Can , Pliers combination insulated , Soldering Iron , Blow Lamp , Interchangeable ratchet socket , Clamp C , Hand Reamer set , Machine Reamer , Scraper flat , Scraper triangular , Scraper half round , Chisel cold , Chisel cold round nose , Drill chuck with key , Pipe wrench , Adjustable pipe die set BSP , Wheel dresser , Machine vice Swivel Base , Sleeve drill Morse , Vice bench

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 15.7 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: AC Squirrel Cage Motor , Universal Motor with starter switch , Synchronous motor , Thyristor IGBT controlled D C motor drive , Thyristor IGBT , Single phase Transformer , Three phase transformer , Diesel Generator Set , Pillar Electric Drill Machine Motorized , A C Series type Motor , Single Phase Capacitor Motor , Manual Motor coil Winding Machine , Ceiling fan coil Winding Machine , Primary current injection set , Shaded Pole Motor , Smart Meter , EV Charger , EV Charger Home , Working Bench , Wiring Board , Metal Rack , Black board white board

Employment And Training Department Tender Result

Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Jan 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 15.9 K)
CATEGORY: Measuring Steel Tape , Combination Plier Insulated , Screwdriver Insulated , Electrician screwdriver thin stem insulated handle , Heavy Duty Screwdriver insulated , Electrician Screwdriver thin stem insulated handle , Punch Centre , Knife Double Bladed Electrician , Neon Tester , Steel Rule Graduated both in Metric and English Unit , Hammer cross peen with handle , Hammer ball peen With handle , Pincer , Spanner Adjustable drop forged SS , Chisel firmer with wooden Handle , Allen Key alloy steel , Grease Gun , Bradawl , Pully Puller with 3 legs , Bearing Puller inside and outside , Pipe vice Cast Iron , Scissors blade SS , Crimping Tool , Wire Cutter and Stripper , Hammer Extractor type , Hacksaw frame , Try Square , Outside Calliper , Inside Calliper , Divider , Pliers long nose insulated , Pliers flat nose insulated , Pliers round nose insulated , Tweezers , Snip Straight and Bent heavy duty , D E metric Spanner Double Ended , Drill hand brace , Drill S S Twist block , Gauge wire , File flat , Hand Vice , Oil Can , Contactor and auxiliary contacts , Limit Switch , Rotary Switch , Relays , Pin , Hydrometer , Hand Drill Machine , Portable Electric Drill Machine , Load Bank Lamp heater Type , Brake Test arrangement , Laboratory Type Induction Coil , Out Side Micrometer , Thermometer Digital , Series Test Lamp , Knife Switch DPDT fitted with fuse terminals , Knife Switch TPDT fitted with fuse terminals , Miniature circuit Breaker , Earth Plate , Earth Electrode , MCCB , ELCB and RCCB , Fuses , Rheostat Sliding type , Ohm Meter Series Type and Shunt Type , Digital Multi Meter , A C Voltmeter M I analog , Milli Voltmeter , Ammeter MC analog , AC Ammeter MI analog , Kilo Wattmeter Analog , Digital Wattmeter , A C Energy Meter , Power Factor Meter Digital , Frequency Meter , Magnetic Flux Meter , Lux meter , Tachometer , Tong Tester Clamp Meter , Megger , Wheat Stone Bridge with galvanometer and battery , Single Phase Variable Auto Transformer , Phase Sequence Indicator , Growler , AC Starters , Soldering Iron , Temperature controlled Soldering Iron , Discrete Component Trainer , Linear I C Trainer , Digital I C Trainer , a Electric Induction plate , b Electric Kettle , c Electric Iron , d Immersion Heater , g Mixture and Grinder , h Washing Machine , i Motor Pump set , Inverter with Battery , DC Power Supply , Battery Charger , Potential Transformer , Solar panel with Battery , Computer set , Ink jet laser printer , DC Series Motor coupled with spring balance load , DC Shunt Motor , DC compound Motor with starter and switch
51-60 of 155 active Tender Results