Duplex Filter Tender Results
Duplex Filter Tender Results
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited - MIDHANI Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 860.2 K (USD 10.2 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Army Tender Result
Chemical Products
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 955 K (USD 11.4 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Liq Formaldehyde 40 Per W V,kit For Estimation Of Hdl Cholesterol Transasia Compatibilities Semoaut CATEGORY: Cell clean sysmex 1x 50ml , Cell pack Sysmex 1x20 ltr ,
Stromatolyser Sysmex 1x500ml , Garbour rubber cork tube
, Elite H 580 cell clean , Elite H 580 Dil 20 ltr , Elite H 580
Lyse 3 , Elite H 580 Lyse 2 , ASO test kit , RA factor test kit ,
ANA test kit 25Test , ICT dengue kit , PAP stain , ZN stain
readymade test kit for 50 stain , Grams stain ready made
test kit for 100 stain , UTI agar , Mac conkey fluid media for
water culture , Stain Haemotoxylline bott 125ml , Liqour
Ammonia , Blood culture bott bact alert adult , Blood culture
bott bact alert child , Typhidot pack of 50 tests , Sterile
Swab sticks pkt of 100 , Silk braided black size 2 Reels 6
Reels x25mtr R826 , Kit for estimation of LDH 12 x 5ml
transasia compatibilities semoauto analyser only , Paraffin
Wax Melting 56 degree centigrade to 60 degree centigrade ,
Paracheck for PV or PF Kit of 50 , Occult blood test kit Kit of
50 tests , Semi auto haematology cell counter, printing
paper roll for Compatible for sysmex xp 100 only , Needle
suture Postmortem curved 12 dot 07 cm pkt of 3 , PA
coliform kit for water cultur mac conkey pack of 10 test ,
Frosted microscopic slide ground adges 75x25 m lysine
coated , Blood Agar Base Infusion Agar , Tissue paper roll ,
Rapid card test for pregnancy , Reticulocytes stain ,
Staineosin yellow water soluble , Sysmex control 1 dot 5x3
ml , Truenat Covid 19 duplex reagent kit compatible for
molbio trueprep auto V2 only , cartage PP spun 0 dot 5
micron for distilled water plant , Thread dust filter for
distilled water plant , TDS meter , COVID 19 Rapid Antigen
point of care test with sample collection swab individually
packed Kit of 25 tests , Viral transport media with two swabs
, Sugar set for bacterial identification ready made , Eight
check sysmex calbrator , HIV Antibody 1 and 2 detection
ELISA kit for 96 tests , HIV antibody 1 and 2 detection rapid
test kit of 50 test , Hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg
detection ELISA kit of 96 tests , Rapid card screening for
HBV Kit of 30 test , Rapid card screening for HCV Kit of 50
test , Rapid plasma reagin RPR test kit 1 RPR Antigen
suspension 2 Positive control Serum 3 Negative control
Serum 4 Disposable plastic cards 5 Disposable plastic
dropper and 6 Disposable sticks for mi , Serum
haemagglutinating Gp B Anti A Monoclonal , Serum
haemagglutinating Gp A Anti B Monoclonal , Serum
haemagglutinating Gp C Anti AB Monoclonal , Serum Anti D
IgG IgM for saline tube test , Serum Anti A 1 , Serum Anti H ,
Albumin Bovine 20 per solution bottle of 10 ml , Serum Anti
Human globulin , Blood collection bag single with CPD A
anticoagulant 49ml for collection of 350ml blood made up of
nontoxic plastic , Matrix Gel System AHG test card Coombs ,
Matrix Gel System ABO RH Forward grouping confirmation
card , Matrix Gel System AHG test Diluent 2 LISS , Filter
paper large 2 feet x 2 feet , Test Tube length 8cm x 13mm
internal dia with rim , Lancet disposable pre sterilized size
10 , Dextrose Monohydrate for oral use in pack of 100 gm
with or without vitamins and minerals
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited - BHEL Tender Result
Chemical Products
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountINR 1 Million (USD 11.7 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
191-200 of 254 active Tender Results