Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras

Tender Results of Direccion General De Carreteras

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date29 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 6.8 Million (USD 7.2 Million)
Contrato de servicios para la ejecución de diversas operaciones de conservación y explotación en las carreteras: A-8 Autopista del Cantábrico, N-634 de San Sebastián a Santiago de Compostela, N-632 de Ribadesella a Luarca por Gijón y Avilés. Provincia de Asturias.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date29 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 8.4 Million (USD 9 Million)
Contract of services for the implementation of various road maintenance and operation operations: A-3, N-III, V-11 and N-220. Province of Valencia. Higher economic score ratio: 1,10.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date22 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 4.3 Million (USD 4.6 Million)
Contract of services for the implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations at N-420, pk. 618,200 to 656,400, stretch: Perales del Alfambra-Montalban and N-211, pk. 144,100 to 240,450, stretch: Puerto de Minguez-Alcañiz. Province of Teruel. Higher economic score ratio: 1,10.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 13.3 Million (USD 14.2 Million)
Contract of services for the execution of various maintenance and operation operations on roads: A-1, motorway north, p.k. 12,000 to 76,500, stretch: knot M-40-Buitrago del Lozoya. N-320, p.k. 317,000 to 341,200, section: L.P. Guadalajara-Venturada. N-Ia, p.k. 55,000 at 57,000 and 72,000 at 76,500. Province of Madrid. Higher economic score ratio: 1,10.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 16.1 Million (USD 17.1 Million)
Contract of services for the implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations at A-5 from pk. 10+000 to 36+700 and A-42 from pk. 4+000 to 30+530. Province of Madrid.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date9 Mar 2012
Contract AmountEUR 14.9 Million (USD 15.8 Million)
Contract of services for the implementation of various road maintenance and exploitation operations: Z-40, Z-32, A-23, A-68, N-232, N-232a, N-IIa, N-II, Variant N-II, N-211, N-125 and ZA-2563. Province of Zaragoza.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date21 Oct 2011
Contract AmountEUR 18.4 Million (USD 19.5 Million)
Obras complementarias: integracion ambiental de taludes, instalaciones de túneles y otras obras complementarias. N-620 eje pirenaico, de Sabiñánigo a Frontera Francesa (Port Bou). Tramo: Sabiñánigo-Fiscal. Provincia de Huesca.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date30 Sep 2011
Contract AmountEUR 1.9 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
Redacción del proyecto de trazado y construcción: Autovía A-12. Autovía del Camino de Santiago. Tramo: Villafranca Montes de Oca-Ibeas de Juarros. Provincia de Burgos.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date29 Sep 2011
Contract AmountEUR 7.1 Million (USD 7.5 Million)
Contract of services for the implementation of various conservation and exploitation operations in A-49, H-31 and N-435. P.K.: several. Province of Huelva. The contract could be financed from FEDER funds.

Direccion General De Carreteras Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date22 Sep 2011
Contract AmountEUR 15.3 Million (USD 16.2 Million)
Rehabilitación de firme. Rehabilitación estructural del firme en la carretera N-260, entre los pp.kk. 354,000 al 384,500 y del 449,500 al 518,600. Tramo: L.P. Lleida-Castejón de Sos y túnel de Balupor-Sabiñánigo. Provincia de Huesca.
491-500 of 548 active Tender Results