Tender Results of Desnz
Tender Results of Desnz
DESNZ Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 130 K (USD 164.7 K)
Global Carbon Finance Model (GloCaF) agriculture forestry and land use sectors (AFOLU) Data Subscription-The 12-month subscription service is for a one-year subscription to GLOBIOM and G4M model services. This will comprise 6 data instalments and regular engagement as necessitated by DESNZ and available by the GLOBIOM and G4M model teams.
DESNZ Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 220 K (USD 278.2 K)
Evidence Management System Development Contract-This contract HAS BEEN AWARDED through the RM1043.8 framework for further enhancement on the Hydrogen Heating Programme's Evidence Management System (EMS). In 2022, the Hydrogen Heating Team (HHT) commissioned the development of an Evidence Management System (EMS) to enable the Programme to manage its growing evidence base in a systematic way and create clear lines of sight between evidence and requirements. We have approximately 11 enhancements identified and expect this number to reach ar...
DESNZ Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 240 K (USD 300.1 K)
Legal Service for AGR Stations transfer to NDA (NRS)-***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a mini competition under the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6179 - Legal Services Panel DPS Lot 2 Nuclear is a vital part of our energy mix, providing low carbon power now and into the future. The safe and efficient decommissioning of our nuclear legacy is an area of world leading expertise. Since 2009, the ex-British Energy estate of eight nuclear power plants (the...
DESNZ Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 2.3 Million (USD 2.9 Million)
British Coal Records management-The Government manages the records of the former British Coal Corporation. This is a combination of business documents and personal data which includes a significant number of historic occupational health claims files. In part, this is to enable us to respond to disease/illness personal injury claims arising from working for the Corporation pre-privatisation in 1994. We also have a duty to ensure that the information is kept safe and is managed securely. We require a service th...
DESNZ Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 3.7 Million (USD 4.6 Million)
Smart and Secure Electricity Systems (SSES) Technical Services-The SSES programme requires a range of services to be delivered, by a blended pool of subject matter experts with sector knowledge, including: - Business and technical architecture design - Development of technical standards to deliver interoperability - Development of detailed technical requirements to feed into programme deliverables - Analysis and planning on implementation of technical frameworks - Technical analysis and assurance of proposals put forward by internal and exter...
131-140 of 135 active Tender Results