Defence Tender Results
Defence Tender Results
Defence Research And Development Organisation - DRDO Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date6 Mar 2025 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.4 Million (USD 28.3 K)
CATEGORY: Customized AMC/CMC for Pre-owned Products - Annual
Maintenance Contract of CNC and Conventional Machines;
As per Scope of Work; Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC);
Six-Monthly; No
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date6 Mar 2025 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 11 K (USD 127.86259)
CATEGORY: Oil Return Tube LH , Cord High Tension , SA Of Hose Pump ,
Returning Spring , Gasket Tapet Cover , Float Assy , Dust
Seal , Pilot Jet , Cap Oil Filter
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Contract Date6 Mar 2025 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 12.7 K (USD 147.37097)
CATEGORY: Fuel Filter Element , Suction Fuel Pipe Line , Return Line
Hose , Suction Line Hose , Suction Filter , Seal Oil Air Dryer
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Contract Date6 Mar 2025 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 30.6 K (USD 354.21533)
CATEGORY: Clutch Withdrawl , Gasket Exhaust manifold , Pump Steering
ZF , Cord Set High Tension , Cylinder Head Gasket , Reverse
Switch , Door Lock , Temperature Sensor , Thermoplastic
Hose , Joint Bearing Elges Ge , Hose Clutch 6x400
Indian Coast Guard - ICG Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Machinery and Tools
Contract Date6 Mar 2025 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 651.7 K (USD 7.5 K)
CATEGORY: Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/
Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way;
E66 Port DA sea water suction line punctured at various
places Same to be renewed repaired Mat SS Dia 40mm
Length 2 mtr; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and
Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS
C414 campbell way; E67 DA emergency sea water suction
line punctured and cracked at various places Same to be
renewed repaired Mat SSDia 50mm Length 2 mtr; Service .. ,
Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/
Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way;
E68 SME Gear box sea water cooling line punctured at
various places Same to be renewed repaired mat SS dia
50mm Length 2Mtr; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance,
and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) -
ICGS C414 campbell way; E70 Water jet compartment bilge
suction line punctured near STBD DA Same to be places
Repaired Mat SS Dia 40mm Length 4 Mtrs; Service Provider ,
Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/
Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way;
E71 Pressure gauges of all pump to be calibrated renewed
In way jobs including replaced defective guage lines and
fittings Qty 13 Nos; Service Pr.. , Repair, Maintenance, and
Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS
C414 campbell way; E78 WireMess gratings of ER
ventilation are deteriorated Same to be renewed fabricated
as per sample Mat MS Qty 04 Nos L2 meter B2 Meter;
Service.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/
Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way;
E79 ER Ventilation water drain trey deteriorated Same to be
renewed fabricated as per sample MatSS Qty 04 Nos Length
2 Meter Breadth 2 Meter; Ser.. , Repair, Maintenance, and
Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS
C414 campbell way; E80 Overhaul Diesel driven pump to be
undertaken worn out parts to be replaced Diesel driven
pump and engine to be scrubbed and one coat of prime.. ,
Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/
Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way;
E81 Overhauling of diving air compressor to be undertaken
and worn out parts to be replaced Compressor and Engine
to be scrubbed one coat of prim.. , Repair, Maintenance,
and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) -
ICGS C414 campbell way; L42 WJ STBD exhausts blower
motor getting tripped instantly after switching ON Suspect
motor winding short circuited and bearing worn out Defect ..
, Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/
Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way;
L46 Hanging support of WJ port blower found deteriorated
Same to be repaired and system to be proved Mat MS;
Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of
Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - ICGS C414
campbell way; L47 Wiremess fencing for main engine and
DAs batteries deteriorated Same to be repaired Mat AL
Length 2m Height 1M; Service Provider , Repair,
Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments
(Version 2) - ICGS C414 campbell way; L48 Navigation
Communication battery cover for protection from Rain
Moisture on flag deck to be fabricated Mat Al Length 100 cm
Hieght 30CM; Serv..
21-30 of 10000 active Tender Results