Cot Tender Results
Cot Tender Results
Ministry Of Defence - MOD Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
CATEGORY: Airway long transparentoropharyngeal , Hand glove s
Hand glove size Seven , Hand glove size Seven and h
aid unmedicated pack of twelve , Dressing shell com
wound care Non adhesive four x three , Dressing pos
X twelve pack of fifty , Dressing sterile four X four bo
Monofilament plyglyconate synthetic absorbable sutu
blue monofilament three zero , Polypropylene blue m
zero , Polypropylene blue monofilament two zero , Po
monofilament one zero , Polypropylene blue monofila
braided size three zero , Silk braided size four zero ,
zero , Silk braided size two zero , Silk braided size on
monofilament size five zero , Ankle wrap L , Ankle wr
pouch with strap Size M L XL , Basewall finger splint
Back support M L XL , Cot finger splint M L XL , Elasti
XL , Elastic shoulder immobilize M L XL , Flex finger s
drop splint M L XL , Frog finger splint M L XL , Functio
L XL , Heel cup silicon or carbon co polymer , Knee i
Tennis elbow support M L XL , Thumb spica splint M L
tetra pod , Wrist hand resting splint cone L , Wrist ha
cone XL , Disposable nebulizeer mouth piece mask c
Disposable nebulizeer mouth piece mask channel tub
Fogarty catheter Six Fr , Fogarty catheter Seven Fr ,
Eight Fr , SPC set Sixteen Fr , Chest seal Drain Fourte
bag , Chest seal Drain sixteen Fr with collection bag ,
Two ml , Disposable syringe Five ml , Disposable syri
Imaging film size Ten X Twelve Pack of Hundred , CR
Ten X Eight Pack of Hundred , Insulin Syringe One ml
Twelve Fr , Suction catheter Fourteen Fr , Suction cat
Oxygen Face mask with tubings , Decompression nee
Pneumothorax Fourteen G , Nasopharyngeal Airway ,
Hexa starch and Penta Starch , Mouth wash betadine
bott of Hundred ml , Oint Tretinoin Zero point Zero Fi
of Thirty gm , Tab Zinc Fifty mg , Tab Clindamycin Th
Dettol Antiseptic Liquid can of 5 litre , Band aid oval s
Electrocardiograph paste or jelly bott of two hundred
jelly bott of two hundred fifty ml , Nasogastric tube a
Nasogastric tube adult Sixteen G , Merocele nasal pa
tag , Kit central venous catheter Triple Lumen , I Gel
, Vein Finding Device , Tab Meloxicam Fifteen mg
8661-8670 of 8910 active Tender Results