Chile Tender Results

Chile Tender Results

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 Sep 2020
Contract AmountUSD 711.1 K 
Patrimonial Rehabilitation of the Ronda de Honor Sector of the San Martín Palace located at Calle Arenales 761- City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date10 Aug 2020
Contract AmountUSD 78.5 K 
SIPAN Project Productive system of agriculture in terraces and crop and/or fruit eras. System to consider exclusively for the Upper Andean Macrozone

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date7 Aug 2020
Contract AmountUSD 38 Million 
Rt-f-d-0902 Real-time Pcr Diagnostic Kits (10 Units)

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date9 Jul 2020
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
SIPAN Management Plans Livestock production system for camelids in high Andean wetland areas for grazing

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date7 Jul 2020
Contract AmountUSD 7.7 K 
Professional facilitator service is required to support the design, organization and activities of the 2nd FAO/WHO International Workshop on Fruits and Vegetables 2020, in preparation of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV)

International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date23 Mar 2020
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
Supply and Installation of PET Effluent Stack Monitor designed for indoor and outdoor use (hereinafter referred as “the System”) to be procured under Technical Cooperation (TC) project CHI6021 titled “Upgrading Cyclotron and Reactor for the Sustainable Production of Radioisotopes and Radio-pharmaceuticals” with the objective to contribute to the sustainable national production of radioisotopes and radio pharmaceuticals. The System will monitor and perform coincidence counting to ensure excellent geometrical efficiency and controlled ambient gamma radiation for routine production of F-18 radiopharmaceuticals at the End-User’s facilities located in Santiago, Chile.

United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization - UNESCO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date15 Nov 2019
Contract AmountUSD 280 K 
Technical advice in the development of minor construction works.

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date26 Jun 2019
Contract AmountUSD 10.4 K 

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date14 May 2019
Contract AmountUSD 95.7 K 
Tender deadline extension: "Preparation and implementation of a coordinated information, monitoring and early warning system".

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - FAO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date8 May 2019
Contract AmountUSD 5.9 K 
Multiparameter Tender
181-190 of 199 active Tender Results