Tender Results of British Business Bank

Tender Results of British Business Bank

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Contract Date13 Nov 2018
Contract AmountNA 
Finance Guarantee Portal: Development, Implementation and Support

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date2 Sep 2016
Contract AmountEUR 593.4 K (USD 631.5 K)
Supply of Legal Services for British Business Bank and British Business Bank Investments Limited.

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 27.5 K (USD 35.1 K)
GB-Sheffield: Online Legal research Resource-Online legal research resource subscription service utilised by the BBB legal team to assist in their legal services. This was procured utilising a direct award using internal process

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 29.1 K (USD 38.3 K)
GB-Sheffield: ECF Manager Conference Event Hire 2024-Annual Manager Conference Event Hire & Evening Meal for ECF and Regional Managers. This was procured using the banks financial instructions

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 36.2 K (USD 46 K)
GB-Sheffield: NLA Licence-C2096 - One year of NLA licence to permit distribution and photocopying of copyrighted material, including indefinite access to NLA licenced material on Signal platform.

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 40 K (USD 48.7 K)
GB-Sheffield: British Patient Capitals annual General Partners Forum-This contract is for the hiring of a Venue for the GPLP Forum 2023 one day event to be held in December. Catering and production for the event are included. This award was done via the direct award route, the reason being due to the availability and location of the event.

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 71.9 K (USD 87.6 K)
GB-Sheffield: Office Cleaning Services-Office, school and office equipment cleaning services. Direct Award via ESPO Framework 263_20; Total Cleaning Service Solutions; Lot 1 - General Cleaning (Inclusive Of Window Cleaning And External Cleaning). Premises cleaning service for British Business Bank offices at Steel City House, Sheffield. The contract has been directly awarded to align the services provided in Sheffield with our other office in London. One supplier covering both offices increases contract management efficiency.

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 73.9 K (USD 93.4 K)
GB-Sheffield: Mandatory Training Catalogue-Mandatory Training E-learning courses to be provided to British Business Bank Staff. The contract is for 2 years with no extension period, and has been procured by utilising G Cloud 13.

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 74.1 K (USD 90.3 K)
GB-Sheffield: WPS Software Licences-WPS Licences acts as a Data Science Platform and used to perform Advanced Analytics. (GWS, Risk and SUL)

British Business Bank Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 85 K (USD 103.5 K)
Calculation Agent for an ENABLE Guarantee transaction-The Agency Services Provider will perform the functions outlined below. 1.Performance and analytics of synthetic securitisation transactions a.Typically quarterly performance reporting including reporting any reporting required under the Securitisation Regulation b.Annual discretionary review of the systems and processes which ensure business continuity by minimizing risks while providing compliance with legal and statutory requirements c.Guarantee performance analytics d.Calculation of premia 2...
181-190 of 193 active Tender Results