Bench Tender Results
Bench Tender Results
Technische Universitat Dresden Tender Result
Contract Date12 Aug 2022
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Gegenstand der Ausschreibung ist die Beschaffung eines LC-DMS-MS/MS-Gerätesystems, bestehend aus einem UHPLC-System und einem Triple-Quadrupol-Benchtop-Massenspektrometer inklusive einer zwischenschaltbaren Differential-Ionenmobilitäts-Trennzelle (DMS), für die ultra-sensitive und -selektive, substanzorientierte Analyse und Screeninguntersuchungen in komplexen biologischen Matrices.
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 19.9 Million (USD 238 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Two tier cot to MDRS/KRCRS / P U MDRS , Desk cum Bench, Steel Almirah , S Type continuous armrest chair, Staff Table, Shoe Cabinet, Class Room Tables, Library Racks, PLATE & TUMBLER STAND125 plates, Mattress type Pocket Spring Mattresses, Pillow Specification, Zamkana, Bed Spread, TV 55 inch with android, Mosquito net , 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set 3Phase 1500 RPM, CC camera set, Dining table 6 seater, Galvanized Iron Storage Trunks, 3 KVA UPS, Computer, Computer Table , Computer Chair, Pulvariser 10 Lts capacity wet and Dry, CO2 Portable fire exstguiser, ABC Portable fire exstguiser, 4G LTE out door Router
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 19.9 Million (USD 238.1 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Two tier cot to MDRS/KRCRS / P U MDRS , Desk cum Bench, Steel Almirah , S Type continuous armrest chair, Staff Table, Shoe Cabinet, Class Room Tables, Library Racks, PLATE & TUMBLER STAND125 plates, Mattress type Pocket Spring Mattresses, Pillow Specification, Zamkana, Bed Spread, TV 55 inch with android, Mosquito net , 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set 3Phase 1500 RPM, CC camera set, Dining table 6 seater, Galvanized Iron Storage Trunks, 3 KVA UPS, Computer, Computer Table , Computer Chair, Pulvariser 10 Lts capacity wet and Dry, CO2 Portable fire exstguiser, ABC Portable fire exstguiser, 4G LTE out door Router
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 19.9 Million (USD 238.1 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Two tier cot to MDRS/KRCRS / P U MDRS , Desk cum Bench, Steel Almirah , S Type continuous armrest chair, Staff Table, Shoe Cabinet, Class Room Tables, Library Racks, PLATE & TUMBLER STAND125 plates, Mattress type Pocket Spring Mattresses, Pillow Specification, Zamkana, Bed Spread, TV 55 inch with android, Mosquito net , 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set 3Phase 1500 RPM, CC camera set, Dining table 6 seater, Galvanized Iron Storage Trunks, 3 KVA UPS, Computer, Computer Table , Computer Chair, Pulvariser 10 Lts capacity wet and Dry, CO2 Portable fire exstguiser, ABC Portable fire exstguiser, 4G LTE out door Router
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 19.9 Million (USD 238.2 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Two tier cot to MDRS/KRCRS / P U MDRS , Desk cum Bench, Steel Almirah , S Type continuous armrest chair, Staff Table, Shoe Cabinet, Class Room Tables, Library Racks, PLATE & TUMBLER STAND125 plates, Mattress type Pocket Spring Mattresses, Pillow Specification, Zamkana, Bed Spread, TV 55 inch with android, Mosquito net , 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set 3Phase 1500 RPM, CC camera set, Dining table 6 seater, Galvanized Iron Storage Trunks, 3 KVA UPS, Computer, Computer Table , Computer Chair, Pulvariser 10 Lts capacity wet and Dry, CO2 Portable fire exstguiser, ABC Portable fire exstguiser, 4G LTE out door Router
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 19.9 Million (USD 238.2 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Two tier cot to MDRS/KRCRS / P U MDRS , Desk cum Bench, Steel Almirah , S Type continuous armrest chair, Staff Table, Shoe Cabinet, Class Room Tables, Library Racks, PLATE & TUMBLER STAND125 plates, Mattress type Pocket Spring Mattresses, Pillow Specification, Zamkana, Bed Spread, TV 55 inch with android, Mosquito net , 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set 3Phase 1500 RPM, CC camera set, Dining table 6 seater, Galvanized Iron Storage Trunks, 3 KVA UPS, Computer, Computer Table , Computer Chair, Pulvariser 10 Lts capacity wet and Dry, CO2 Portable fire exstguiser, ABC Portable fire exstguiser, 4G LTE out door Router
Social Welfare Department - SWD Tender Result
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 19.9 Million (USD 238.2 K)
BOQ ITEMS: Two tier cot to MDRS/KRCRS / P U MDRS , Desk cum Bench, Steel Almirah , S Type continuous armrest chair, Staff Table, Shoe Cabinet, Class Room Tables, Library Racks, PLATE & TUMBLER STAND125 plates, Mattress type Pocket Spring Mattresses, Pillow Specification, Zamkana, Bed Spread, TV 55 inch with android, Mosquito net , 25 KVA Diesel Generator Set 3Phase 1500 RPM, CC camera set, Dining table 6 seater, Galvanized Iron Storage Trunks, 3 KVA UPS, Computer, Computer Table , Computer Chair, Pulvariser 10 Lts capacity wet and Dry, CO2 Portable fire exstguiser, ABC Portable fire exstguiser, 4G LTE out door Router
Northern Coalfields Limited - NCL Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 568 K (USD 6.7 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: Garden Bench,Led Garden Light,Waste containers and accessories - Domestic,Garden Swings
Indian Army Tender Result
Civil And Construction
Contract Date11 Aug 2022 This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 2.1 Million (USD 25.6 K)
CATEGORY: Provision of OTM Accn for 74 RMU at Gandhinagar Chair
easy as per key specification and drawing uploaded FD 358
, Charpoy MS Square as per specification and drawing FD
220 , Foam with back as per specification and drawing FD
78 M , Chair CB Steel as per specification and drawing FD75
, Stool steel as per drawing and Key specicification uploaded
FD 81 M , Side Rack with four tray as per drawing and Key
specicification FD 1023 , Table office officer steel as per
drawing and Key specicification uploaded FD 1003 , Table
office clerk steel as per specification and drawing FD 1004 ,
Table centre glass top as per specification and drawing FD
375 , Almirah Medium steel as per specification and drawing
FD 1032 , Almirah large steel with drawer as per
specification and drawing FD1031 , Book case steel as per
specification and drawing FD 90 M , Hat stand small with
mirror as per specification and drawing FD 361 , Chair easy
cushioned as per specification and drawing FD 358 , Notice
board of soft board with pining facility in place of Board
notice 1830 1200 mm as per key specification and drawing
uploaded FD 99 M , Sofa set 5 seater with cushion 3 1 1 as
per key specification and drawing uploaded FD 281 , Chair
revolving steel with arms executive as per drawing and Key
specicification uploaded FD 75 M , Drugget size seven point
five M and one Mtr colour Air force blue TP , Sofa set single
seater with arms as per specification and drawing FD 281 ,
Table 90x60x76 cm with drawer as per specification and
drawing FD 55 M , Chair CB steel spl with hand rest and
writing pad as per specification and drawing FD 120 , Rack
pigeon hole as per specification and drawing FD 106 , Desk
with dias with facility for fitting 16 inch computer monitor
with glass top as per specification and drawing TP , Pointer
long med short TP , Chair CB steel as per specification and
drawing FD 75 M , Table conference to seat 15 pers TP ,
Chair conference TP , Carpet woolen 20 feet 20 feet TP ,
Magnetic white board in place of Black board with easel as
per drawing and Key specicification uploaded FD 71 M ,
Bench Workshop as per drawing and Key specicification
uploaded FD 173 or FD 1024 , Stool 2 feet Hight TP , Rack
side wooden 03 space similar to type make godrej interio
model Rack two point five feet shelf 18 inch or equivalent TP
, Rack side steel 3 by 4 space similar to with cover type
godrej interio Rack 6 feet shelf 18 inch or equivalent , Stool
revolving adjustable steel similar to make godrej interio
model revolving stool with back 65 65 66 77 point 5 cm seat
height 45 to 56 point 5 cms or equivalent TP , Table drawer
similar to make godrej interio office desk model trident
junior 1 1200 600 743 cm or equivalent TP , Chair revolving
similar to make godrej interio model swing high backor
equivalent , Filling cabinet steel 2 drawer type similar to
make godrej interior vertical model 02 drawer vertical filling
cabinet 470 620 710 mm or equivalent TP , Table class
room type with chair similar to make godrej interio model
fold 1200 700 745 or equivalent TP , Computer chair similar
to make godrej interio model diva PCH 7046A 64 64 87 to
99 point 5 cms adjustable OR swing back 5H02A or
equivalent TP , Computer table type similar to godrej interio
model stylo 1200 600 750 or equivalent TP , U Shape table
similar to make godrej interio model encarta two seater
semi circle dimension 1350 675 750 mm or equivalent TP ,
Cushion chair similar to make godrej premium executive
chair model PCH 7003 55 61 80 point 5 cm seat height 44
cms or equivalent TP
9911-9920 of 10000 active Tender Results