Belgium Tender Results
Belgium Tender Results
European Commission, Directorate General For Regional And Urban Policy REGIO , REGIO B 2 Evaluation And European Semester Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The subject of the contract is to provide the service of the Evaluation Helpdesk, which will collect and review all evaluations of the programmes funded by ERDF, CF, JTF and ESF+, undertaken by the Member States during contract execution. The Evaluation Helpdesk will also collect and review evaluations on cohesion policy published in the academic literature, and it will provide methodological support to improve evaluation methods and the exchange of information on evaluation practices, in line with the provisions of art. 35(2)(h) of the CPR, in order to consolidate the strategic value of evaluation in the policy cycle.
Contract Date2 Oct 2023
Contract AmountEUR 5.5 Million (USD 5.8 Million)
European Parliament, Directorate General For Communication COMM Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The European Parliament launches this procedure aiming to award a framework contract for daily monitoring of written press (national/regional), audio-visual media (radio, TV) and the main online media (internet) in Poland.
Contract Date30 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 350 K (USD 368.8 K)
European Commissio Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The subject of this call for tenders is the provision of services, support for policy studies and collection of information from past Commission decisions in the area of competition policy. The call is divided in two lots. Lot 1 concerns evaluation studies, impact assessments and public consultations, preparation of analytical reports or market studies, policy briefs, workshops, interviews, focus groups and expert panels. Lot 2 concerns services related to the collection of information from past Commission decisions and the delivery of such information forming a comprehensive database.
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 500 K (USD 542.6 K)
Haven Van Antwerpen Brugge NV Van Publiek Recht Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
De werken omvatten het uitvoeren van baggerwerken ter realisatie van de verlenging van het Zuidelijk Kanaaldok in de haven van Zeebrugge, om zo de eerste 600 meter van de Westzijde van de ICO terminal te ontgraven tot -8,5m TAW, met een voorwaardelijk deel om verder de gehele Westzijde van de ICO terminal te ontgraven tot -8,5m TAW. De baggerwerken omvatten het baggeren, vervoeren en storten van de gebaggerde specie. De specie dient te worden gestort op een door de aanbesteder aangeduide vergunde afzetlocatie en/of op een door de opdrachtnemer aangereikte vergunde afzetlocatie. De opdrachtnemer dient zelf ook vergunde afzetlocaties te zoeken. De vergunde afzetlocaties kunnen zich zowel binnen als buiten het havengebied bevinden. Deze opdracht zal bestaan uit een vast en voorwaardelijk deel: - Vast deel: Eerste 600m tot -8,5m TAW te ontgraven van het Zuidelijk Kanaaldok (ZKD) wat approximatief neerkomt op ongeveer 890 000 m³. Dit volume is deels te storten op een door de aanbesteder vergunde afzetlocatie en deels te storten op een door de opdrachtnemer vergunde afzetlocatie. - Voorwaardelijk deel: De resterende 550m wat approximatief neerkomt op ongeveer 990 000 m³ te ontgraven van de kaaimuur, te storten op een door de aanbesteder vergunde afzetlocatie. De opdracht omvat: 1. Alle metingen en voorbereidende werkzaamheden om deze specie af te graven en weg te baggeren. 2. Het vrijbaggeren van de nieuwe kaaimuur ter hoogte van de Bastenakenkaai over een lengte van 600m en voorwaardelijk de resterende 550m, zodat in het dok een diepte van -8,5 m TAW wordt verwezenlijkt. De aandacht wordt erop gevestigd dat de werken uitgevoerd worden binnen het afgeschermde havengebied in de onmiddellijke nabijheid van een terminal in volle exploitatie. Om toegang te krijgen tot het werkgebied zal de opdrachtnemer zich moeten schikken naar de voorschriften van het havenbestuur en de terminaluitbater. Plaats van uitvoering: Havengebied Zeebrugge, Zuidelijk Kanaaldok t.h.v. kaai 512-516
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW G 1 Tourism, Textiles Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Development of product environmental footprint category rules (PEFCRs) and acquisition of relevant environmental footprint (EF) compliant datasets for hotel accommodation sector. With this call for tenders, the European Commission aims to develop PEFCRs for the hotel accommodations (as defined by NACE classification, section 55.10), in order to enable the measurement of their environmental impacts by using the product environmental footprint (PEF) methodology. As a second objective of this call, the Commission aims to acquire the necessary EF compliant datasets for the above PEFCR. The call also aims to draw lessons in case PEFCRs are developed for other accommodation sub-sectors in the future. Finally, the entire process shall be undertaken with a close involvement of the relevant stakeholders.
Contract Date26 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1.9 Million (USD 2 Million)
European Commission, Directorate General For Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship And SMEs GROW , GROW H 1 Construction Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Study on the technical, administrative and financial feasibility of different options to create an EU-wide system to report on construction products (covered by the Construction Products Regulation).
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 240.2 K (USD 253.2 K)
European Commission, Directorate General For Trade TRADE , TRADE C Africa, Caribbean And Pacific, Asia II , Trade And Sustainable Development, Green Deal Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The European Commission calls for a qualitative ex-post evaluation of the impact of the environmental provisions of representative EU trade agreements on key environmental and climate aspects. The findings of the study will be used for internal Commission purposes to support the drafting of a Commission Staff Working paper. The later will evaluate the nexus between EU trade agreements and key environmental aspects, including the climate, analysing the effects of EU trade agreements and reflecting the dedicated effort made to contribute to environmental protection through a mix of joint disciplines and cooperation commitments.
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 415.5 K (USD 437.9 K)
European Innovation Council And SMEs Executive Agency EISMEA , EISMEA I 03 2 Consumers Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The aim of this open call for tenders is the signature of a multiple framework service contract with reopening of competition with maximum six contractors for the organisation of coordinated activities on consumer product safety (non-food) and on market surveillance and product compliance with EU norms in the EU and European Free Trade Authority (EFTA) countries. For more detail, please refer to the procurement tender documents, available at the e-tendering address specified in the contract notice under Section I.3) Communication.
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountEUR 54 Million (USD 56.9 Million)
181-190 of 10000 active Tender Results